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What do you think of the new Living World: Champions? (spoilers inside) - [Merged]


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> @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

> Give me PROPER STORY!!!!!!


I've only completed the first mission so far...


and I agree with giving a proper story...the writing for gw2 has never been good. I could give a number of reasons why, but its mostly because of a lack of understanding how to make a good story.


This story is very much a soap opera drama. The dragon's and their conversations with us and each other undermine what they were really intended to be at the beginning....massive and Lovecraftian forces of nature. We shouldn't be so buddy buddy with the all the dragons and their tiny problems...it doesn't make sense. Half the continent should be annihilated by now, and the player characters should be scared of them...Characters shouldn't be arguing about which dragon to kill next after they have a little tea-party with their friend and groan about their relationship with their comrade...they should be arguing about abandoning the mission to save their own families...or killing each other over limited resources...food...for self survival.


Now i havn't played the entire chapter yet, so i won't go much further than that...but these are problems that arise from a poor understanding of creating stories. Not that the writers themselves are bad writers...i just think the writers are trying their best with what's basically a steaming pile of cats, and their doing the best with what they got...when really what they need is a complete rethinking of what the story is about.


> NOT public group content!!!

I liked the idea of the group aspect of the content here...but the content isn't engaging enough for people to actually speak with each other. I also don't like the idea of forced grouping because that's inauthentic, grouping should happen naturally not artificially like how it's done here.

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> @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

> The story itself was ok, but there's a few things that I didn't like.


> First off, the incorporation of instanced multiplayer content in storyline is a trend that I extremely dislike.

> I want to play the story when I want, where I want, how I want and with whom I want.

> The fact the 3 missions are implemented in the story was a HUGE dissapointment for me.

> With no friends on to form a proper party, I either had to wait, or play with strangers in public mode

> I am a FIRM believer that story should be SOLO content with the OPTION to do in party.


> The second thing are the bosses.

> They are merely DPS sponges. It didn't feel like I was fighting a boss, it felt like I was trying to tear down a wall with a toothpick. Very easy shortcut design.


> Thirdly too many loose ends.

> - Hardly any explanation what the home node is for

> - New currency in Crystal Bloom Support Marks that do NOT go to wallet.

> - Green markers on the maps in Metrica, Brisban and Gendarran but NO explanation that it can ONLY be done through Eye of the North. Why are they even there then??

> - Gendarran opening felt extremely bugged. I only got 10% of the damage I normally do. Only when the boss (again a grind MACHINE) came into play the numbers normalized. From what I saw, the others in my party had similar issues.


> If the rest of the story is similar, that it's sorta instanced group content you MUST do to progress... with NO SERIOUS option to play solo as you EXPECT in story...

> Then I hope this grindfest ends QUICKLY.


> Give me PROPER STORY!!!!!!

> NOT public group content!!!


> It's a shame, because it could've been so much better.

> I hated when that one strike mission for story demanded playing with a squad, I hate this one demands playing with a party.

> (We all know the 1 to 5 means forget about 1... not happening)




The mission is 1-5 people tho so just got private by yourself.


> @"Tsakhi.8124" said:

> It's okay. It didn't blow me away and it didn't disappoint me. I noticed that the enemies were HP sponges, too, so I started to look for any strategies to bring them down quickly and found the following: The first boss goes down a bit quicker if you borrow a golem from the golemancer, stun the boss, do some damage, rinse/repeat; it still didn't do much more damage, but it made it a lot easier to keep things in check. Skill 2 interrupts the enemy, making its break bar go down quicker. The second boss is a bit easier because the fern puppers drain the break bar (i think) and do a set amount of damage. The third one was a grind and I really couldn't find a way to bring it down any quicker than I was (I'm playing a Healbrand, so I ended up just cheesing some of it by reflecting the damage back at it when it was doing its AoE. It's possible that the fire tornadoes may damage it, but I don't know how. I soloed the instances because I wanted to see what I need to do before I went in with a group.


> Also: I wouldn't judge an expansion by an episode you don't like. I don't know why people love to jump conclusions. I swear to the gods you people can be so overly dramatic.


2 post above yours disproves your forget about one.


I'll cut out the important part.


> I soloed the instances because I wanted to see what I need to do before I went in with a group.

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Being forced to do strike missions that are extremely boring isnt my idea of fun. Every single one I have been in already has afkers doing nothing to help out, and there is nothing on the report feature that allows to report for afking/leeching) This release has been nothing but a huge let down. 2/10 (and the 2 is for the raptor skin cause the strike missions are a flop and time gates suck) At least Assassin's Creed Valhalla is out cause I cant be bothered with this stupid grind

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This episode was quite disappointing for me. No new content, a 3rd redo of Stormcaller skins, plus another weapon set. and some more useless masteries that you won't be able to use anywhere else in the game, except the Dragon Response Missions that no one will play.


Can we get masteries that will improve our characters on all PvE modes? Some sort of progression?

Can we get new armor sets? They were doing so well with the more simplistic armor pieces such as: Norn Shaman Armor, Charr, Dragonrender and Khan Ur helms and the Stone Summit armor. Right now we just have so many weapon sets that are way too flashy.

I was hoping that they would be improving some core maps, so we would have some incentive to go back there. Putting the mobs from the Dragon Response Missions into the core maps wouldn't hurt the game since those are places where you find destroyers anyways. It gives good contrast and also would make the Dragon Minions feel like an actual threat in open world.


The dialogue was okay, but they talked about stuff we already knew. No new interesting subjects were brought up.


I feel bad about complaining about these things since it is a buy-once-play-always-for free game. I just don't want to see it go downhill just yet.

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The Sunday after each Living Story drop, my guild gets together to enjoy the new large group (25+) open world content together. It is the thing I (and many) look forward to most. This is the first time in a long time that we will have nothing new to do together - and for that reason alone, this is my least favorite living story chapter ever. GW2 is about what I can do in large open world groups (not instanced) with my guild - without that, it really isn't appealing to me. Hopefully this isn't a new trend.

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This chapter is almost a insult to the release concept, the missions dont have the little silly achievements we all love, the rewards for doing challenges are not worth it and are tooooo long, the lfg system doesnt work for party size, you can complete everything in less than 3 hrs, the mastery line is there but you cant keep upgrading it (and so far mastery gives you nothing), the weapons are meh and the mission tracker is stuck at some point.

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I wasn't happy, to be honest. The concept initially shows promise (open world pandamonium), but just boils down to "follow the npc, kill enemy camps, fight the health sponge knockdown spam boss 3 times"


I think they should have expanded on the opening concept - a 5 to 10 minute war where you have to save as much property/life as possible, while assisting the hero with their mission while you can.

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I agree it's underwhelming, even with my expectations low. There's just not much here, the missions are boring, the story lines are childish and don't advance much plot, the achievements are grindy, there's no reason to have the wait for ebon vanguard rewards, and the weapons collections are ridiculous in time (way too much prismaticite compared to what you can get) and/or investment (is the volcanic stormcaller box really just a random drop?).


I'm an achievement hunter and there's a certain amount of grind and investment I'm prepared to deal with, but really there's just nothing here BUT grind and investment.

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From the trailer I was hoping for a dungeon style instance with long term replayability. I guess it is sort of like that but I dont feel it delivered on what I hoped for.

My main criticisms:

- Uses personal story instance structure. No excuse for this imo. Having instance holder dc and everyone getting kicked is the worst feeling. We have had functional 5 man instances for 7 years now and not making use of them is pure incompetence or cutting corners.

- LFG bugged on release. Just shows how poor quality control this release has that the lfg uses squad groups and the instance uses parties.

- Masteries are locked to the response missions

- All 3 responses are carbon copies of each other. I feel like I am playing the same instance with a different skin each time.

- Bosses lack interesting mechanics, instance is too long and has forced wait after the first event. I would have preferred if the instance was much shorter, with each mini boss adding a new mechanic to learn and a larger end boss with multiple mechanics to do, similar to a fractal boss. Approximatly 10 minutes would be an ideal instance length to do daily IMO.


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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Another thing that I noticed is that you need 30 of those prismaticite crystals per weapon. At around 20 min on average, and only getting one per mission, this means it’ll take 10 hours for one weapon and 150 hours for the rest. The recipe achievement gives you enough material for one weapon.


No problem, now I have a use for my 53 bags of Icebrood Saga Materials

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so... unlike the vast majority of responses I have read here?

I actually enjoyed the content.

I enjoyed the fact that Anet was trying to do something different.

I enjoyed the fact that there were voices that i could hear attached to the speech boxes I could read.

I enjoyed the inclusion of instances in Rata Sum, Gendarren, Metrica, and Brisban, and I enjoyed the fact that while the instances were placed in an open world setting, they did not interfere with other players that have not gotten that far with the Icebrood Saga, which from a lore perspective, makes a bit of sense.

I enjoyed how they explained Primordus' awakening through the usage of the minions. I enjoyed the pulling together of different factions from all over Tyria to face a much bigger threat than Jormag.

I enjoyed the plot twist of us siding with something we originally intended on putting "back to sleep".


Regarding the Combat, I actually like the way the fights are staged and set up with a champ at each end, and each champ having separate mechanics to them. Could they have been better? I cannot answer that. I am not a Game Developer, and I have Zero Knowledge on how to create a combat system in an MMO. Therefore I do not have the right to judge those that can do something I have no knowledge of.

I had fun playing a game. I enjoyed the game I was playing. I will likely play the game some more.

What I will not do... Is pass judgement on things I do not have the technical knowledge of, nor will I attempt to criticize Those that can do a job that I cannot do.

If I was so bold to pass that form of judgement, I would be a bit hypocritical... as I am playing the very game I am passing judgement on.

I am stating my opinion. Agree with it... disagree with it... you are welcome to do both or neither.

I happen to like playing Guild Wars 2.

so there.



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It's just bad, to express myself heavily censored.


The Story itself so far has just been a bit of talking to an NPC, **one** actual story mission and three almost exactly the same group instances.

To top it of, the continuation seems to have been postponed a week by an arbitrary timer in the hope of stretching content that already is minuscule.


Another Mastery point is looked behind a grind (the Red Stormcaller weapon collection).


Dragon response missions are just boring and private instances didn't work with squads.

That means, assembling a group via the LFG tool didn't work, as group automatically are converted into squads.


To me, this definitely wasn't worth four months of development.

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Very happy to see the voice acting added to the previous 2 episodes. This was the first thing I did: Review of the conversations with Bangar and then the previous 2 episodes. This and the Dragon Banner change to WvW were the only good things I have found in the patch and they could not out-weight all the bad, I am afraid. The rest is just plain disappointing; two thumbs definitely down for the whole patch, for all the reasons stated above.


My "lowlights" (things that stand out as **especially** disappointing):

1) No new map.

2) It seems the designers listened to the "we want Season 1 back please" people and designed a series of episodes of a similar style. "Next best thing" approach, I suppose. Sorry, bad idea.

3) The home instance node drops "greys" worth less than 10 copper. WTF?!?! For 50 gold and 245k karma ... WTF?!?! I feel ripped off. No home instance node should ever drop greys/whites unless they have some minor value like say, 50 silver (total; per node). But the game probably does not need more riches, so why put junk items in a home instance node? It feels so unnecessary, like a slap in the face to those who engage fully with the content you produce.

4) Story too short and not very engaging. One cannot help but get the feeling that resources for LWS5 have been nerfed to the level of WvW resources :-(


This new direction in story content is leaving me feeling very uncertain about the future of GW2 and/or my future in GW2. This has undone much/all of the goodwill and optimism I felt after the announcement of EoD and leaves only uncomfortable questions in my mind about the direction of the game.

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