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What do you think of the new Living World: Champions? (spoilers inside) - [Merged]


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It reminds me a lot of Season 1: a short story piece as an introduction to reoccuring events, which are part of the story and also replayable for rewards and achievements. The only differences are that these missions are instanced instead of happening in the open world maps, and will be around forever instead of disappearing after a month. Even the timer for the bonus rewards, which encourages players to get on and play them now makes it feel like season 1.


It's pretty basic compared to season 2 and onwards, but it also looks like we haven't gotten the complete release yet and more will be coming on Tuesday. For now I'm curious about how it will play out and kind of excited by the idea of an 'episode' which develops in real time, but without the pressure to get it all done because it will vanish soon and I'll never be able to finish it.


And if it's not enough to keep my occupied that's ok because I've got tons of older stuff to complete, and GW2 has never been my only game anyway. I've never expected this one game to take up all my free time and keep me interested indefinitely, if I'm bored with it I'll just do something else. (Which again makes me glad the updates are permanent and not a full return to season 1, where I felt like I had to complete as much as possible because if I ever changed my mind later it would be too late.)

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I soo need to add to this ill start with now that they have found a way to add LWS season one back in to the play list of the game kodos NOW SO SO as for LWS5

ok can some one please get that ball pumped up cuse when you drop it its spose to bounce not go splat i find the story line went flat in HoT you made me cry over the loss of Eir you made me want to punch Bhram in the face then you made me cry some more at Eirs wake who knew Bhram was afrade of spiders LAMO then you made me in joy killing joko and Balthazar damn you made me cry agen when aurne got killed then i got to thinking wate she ate joko was never more happy to be right on that as for LWS5 to date the story was good mmm 2.5 stars out of 5 well that was till ep5 chapter one now its more like .5 stars out of 5 i get all this covid kittens makes life hard but the ida is to top this epic story off not let it fade in to darkness for the sake of the six gods i hope this ends with an epic BOOM and the new Xpack keeps that BOOM been playing GW far to long helping gwen find her flute some 14+ years A go now i dear you make me laugh make me cry make me hate an NPC so much i want to rip his face off with my bear hands I DEAR YOU Hell I DOBLE DEAR YOU


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Probably a hyper-focused comment, but I'm mostly concerned about having enough master points available for me to get everything on the list. The one that has be concerned is Shooting Star. Not so much by itself, but the fact that there were 5 available points, and '2' of them are fairly difficult, either economically or overly difficult content. So I'm just concerned about having enough available points for everyday people.


Unless, the last thing on the list is an ability you only use in elite content, then that's fine, but then I wish they'd wall it off in the same way the raid ones are walled off (i.e., I don't see them). Though, I would be sad if they keep adding more mastery points that separate people. It stands, at least for me, at 8 right now.

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I quit the story. I don't want to have that green story prompt just sitting there for weeks until new content is released. I might not even do the story until I hear there is an end of chapter included in the new bit. I am definitely not grinding the new content for things that aren't unlocked, not in advance of knowing how much to grind or whether the grind is worth it. Considering I haven't gone back to get all the masteries or mastery points this season, I must be pretty disappointed with the content and all the grind.

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They could have just added these events as a permanent open world side-story (like the Awakened invasion) with minimal story-NPC involvement, and waited with the full episode release however long it was going to take them. That way we'd have gotten something that feels like an actual invasion of dragon minions.


The DRMs are rather poor conceptually and are horribly boring. This is not half-baked content; they never put it in the oven, to begin with. Whenever I look at Champions, I see a dozen ways it could have been done way better with the limited resources the live team is apparently working with.


The fact that the community never reached the Tier 5 goal is telling. Shameful is the best word to describe what Anet has done with Icebrood Saga, especially after the decent releases they had delivered before... whatever this is.

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I thought it was the most lame content yet. Anet has failed once again! I do not agree with locking masteries behind purchasing items. This feels like a tax! Also making it contingent on a community and not leaving it to an individuals ability to complete the content. This only hurts future and current players that have not finished their LWS stories in order. There will not be enough of the community in future to achieve any goal. Hell there isn't enough interest in this lame content to achieve the current one in a 6 day timer that didn't mean crap.

I currently have 11 of the last 17 mastery points in the IBS mastery track. IMHO we should be allowed to advance at our own pace wither we work through it once or do it til we are so bored we quit the game. Without any affirmation from Anet as to what is exactly going on we are left to speculation which leads to further discontent. Not that Anet gives two squirrels nuts about what we think or want. It is all about the shareholders and making them money and not about game balance or the customer. I feel we need to PROTEST ANET AND REFUSE TO GIVE THEM ANYMORE OF OUR MONEY TIL THEY GIVE US WHAT WE WANT. If we hit them where they live {in the pocket book} they may change the crap they are giving us. Just my personal observation.

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> @"Orbdweller.8674" said:

> I thought it was the most lame content yet. Anet has failed once again! I do not agree with locking masteries behind purchasing items. This feels like a tax! Also making it contingent on a community and not leaving it to an individuals ability to complete the content. This only hurts future and current players that have not finished their LWS stories in order. There will not be enough of the community in future to achieve any goal. Hell there isn't enough interest in this lame content to achieve the current one in a 6 day timer that didn't mean kitten.

> I currently have 11 of the last 17 mastery points in the IBS mastery track. IMHO we should be allowed to advance at our own pace wither we work through it once or do it til we are so bored we quit the game. Without any affirmation from Anet as to what is exactly going on we are left to speculation which leads to further discontent. Not that Anet gives two squirrels nuts about what we think or want. It is all about the shareholders and making them money and not about game balance or the customer. I feel we need to PROTEST ANET AND REFUSE TO GIVE THEM ANYMORE OF OUR MONEY TIL THEY GIVE US WHAT WE WANT. If we hit them where they live {in the pocket book} they may change the kitten they are giving us. Just my personal observation.


Could have the opposite effect too. How happy would you be if they advised of EoD being cancelled and GW2 ends production.


I’ll reserve complete judgement of IBS until everything is over and complete.

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I quit from boredom after the first two fights, after several days I forced myself to do the third to get it over with and hopefully get to some story, but that's all there was. If there was any lore or relevant dialogue in there then I missed it because it was so busy and happening at the same time as the overly long, tedious fights and all the other nonsense.

The DRMs are drab, boring, unrewarding slogs which aren't worth playing, let alone replaying. It's like they've smashed open world together with strike missions in all the worst possible ways.


If there is story, it doesn't seem to be worth going through all that again. I guess I'll pickup the story and try to fill in the blanks in January. Here's hoping that WP does a story break down like he did for the recent Fractal.


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Worst content ANET has ever put out. I don't know if because you are understaffed. Poor management. Poor Planning. But ANET has dropped the ball on the Ice brood Saga. I have guild members who are die hard GW2 fans... the disappointment they have for this 10 minutes of content is saddening. I've been here since launch. Played GW1. If you think I'm going to spend money on gems for crap content. You are mistaken. Let Ryland deal with this mess... commanders going to go play some WoW.

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My biggest issue is that it's not remotely on par to the content of Icebrood Saga prior. This is suppose to be an epic finale and instead it's probably some of the worst LS content I've experienced in my 5 years of playing this game. I get that it's free content and that they are working on the expansion, however, don't hype up this new story with a big announcement and then when it's time to bring the story to an end, whirl wind it in a rushed fashion to get it over with but hype it up and drag literally ONE episode out into four parts like that is something incredibly exciting to do. Because if the rest of Champions is going to be like what we just got, Icebrood Saga is going to be ruined.


I feel like the player base is being looked at like we're all foolish enough to cling to this epic drawn out episode so they can hide the fact that they aren't going to give a story that started out STRONG the ending it truly deserves.


If we deal with Primordus in what really comes down to ONE episode I'm going to be really upset.


The dialogue was the best part of what they gave us, the dialogue is the only thing I appreciated and made doing the missions worthwhile. The story progression and character interaction is the main reason I do the LS content.


I did not enjoy the response missions besides that. In all honesty I was trying to push through them to see what came next and then literally -nothing- came next. That was what I found, for me to be the most upsetting. And we were forced to do the response missions, forced to repeat this content like it's some grand -thing- for literally nothing. A pointless timer that literally served no purpose other than mislead people.


I love Guild Wars 2 but this was disappointing.

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Aside from how it's related to other LS or from the fights themselves, there are just way too many issues with this episode. It feels incredibly rushed and has a lot of things that need to be (or could be) addressed.


* After the events at the start are done, you don't have anything to do for 1-1:30mins, just make it progress once the 3 events are done.

* In public mode: people join and just go afk once parties are locked and you can't do anything about it. You either need to do it with less people and let them leech or go out to find another instance, start over again and hope you don't get paired with afk'ers again. Just make it a party instead of a personal instance so you can kick the afk'ers.

* In private mode: you can't rejoin after a dc, again, make it party content instead of instance so people can actually rejoin.

* Turn the "Champions" lfg section into party instead of squad cause it's 5-man content, not squad content. Or worst case if that's not possible, move it to Central Tyria section instead of Living World Icebrood Saga cause people already lfg overthere anyway.

* The daily for doing **any** of the 3 Response missions should be changed into doing the 3 **unique** ones. Now everyone just does the Metrica one 3 times cause that one's the shortest.

* Vicious claws and destroyer lodestones drop way too often, decrease the droprate or make an extra sink.

* Volcanic stormcaller boxes have the description of its contents being account bound, yet they are tradable. Either adjust description or make them actually account bound.

* Continueing on the previous point: in case they would become account bound, add a more reliable way of getting them than just as a (very) rare drop when there's a collection behind it. Possibility: purchasable from vendor for a number of tyrian defense seals + destroyer lodestones. Other possibility: add a pity system like at dragonfall. One box guaranteed after X amount of missions and actually make it a repeatable one (like one box every 100 missions, if you do each one once/day, that means ~33 days for a guaranteed box, plenty of time invested to justify one account bound weapon I'd say). Off topic: make the one at dragonfall repeatable too while you're at it, handing out an aurene weapon box for each 1k chests a person opens instead of only the first 1k really won't hurt the game, on the contrary..


And maybe, just maybe, make a pool of people playing the game since launch or over 5 years so you can pull a number of people ahead of every release to actually pre-test stuff and voice their opinions/concerns before something releases with this many flaws.



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> @"Jake.5741" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > For anyone wondering, this week is the same missions, with a new vendor selling different skins tied to the same community event as before

> >

> > The skins appear to be the same as the karma ones in Ebonhawke


> Wow, what a let down


Map chat is in agreement

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wow, the shoulders just...




This is still not worth any time. Skins you can get elsewhere, skins which look terrible and an RNG box of stuff most of which is far lower value than what you put in.

The same three crappy, over-long, waste of time instances. Unimproved.




Just, no

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