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What do you think of the new Living World: Champions? (spoilers inside) - [Merged]


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What do you guys and girls think about the new Living World: Champions (part 1)?


My personal take:


Honestly I did not expect much from this episode based on the trailer but I didn't realise it would be this bad.


First of all, the download for this patch crawled by with 1 mb/s and lower (while my net is fine, glass fiber and all, location EU if that matters) and I was not the only one. Some had it even at a lower speed.


The episode part 1 literally took me 2-3 hours tops (did it partly in duo and partly solo because my friend basically quit midway).


The story was extremely predictable and seemed written for the target group of kids.


The dragon missions were terrible. Copy paste all 3 of them. Pure punchbags without tactics. They took ages to kill coz of high defence and HP while the fight was boring. I expected at least some tactics. Because they were so boring I thought it would be better by going with pugs. In public I could not play with my friend along and when I entered, the event was already failed with that low timer and at best 2 mobs killed. Tried to make my own LFG. I could only make a party under "champions tab" in "icebrood saga" which requires you to have a squad... BUT these missions only allow 5 ppl..... Squad filled before I could even say 5 ppl only and went into a private map asap hoping all could enter. Nobody was able to enter mine and I was not able to join any others map... Big fail.... Also, when you enter a mission the timer instantly kicks off so setting it up inside is also no option... No group play with friends like with strike missions :anguished:. Eventually I had to solo the whole mission as there was simply no way to play it with semi organised succession in an MMO.


Eventually you hit a part that you have no clue what to do... Talk to an NPC, something bout alliance troops... Then I noticed that community event bar..... 6 days waiting, fill the bar with tokens... I literally wasted all my currencies I got to figure out which "tokens" were meant. It wasn't the defense thingies, it appeared to be them crystals (neither were called tokens). Consistency is far sought.


The masteries seem useless. Just some stat buffs that you will only use inside these missions. But truth be told... After doing them once I already saw enough of them and they are not interesting to actually repeat.


I am really curious about what others think of this release.... For me it was the worst one we ever had so far.

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I enjoyed the story and dialogue.


The missions were dull with bosses far too much of a HP sponge. They emulate the Forged with Steel mission without any of the interesting design that went with that excellent mission. Plus these don't (appear to) scale. Saw no reason to do CM outside of achievements


All in all, I'm actually surprised it's even more bare bones than expected and that the story/dialogue outclassed the gameplay itself. Not sure delivering a quarter of an episode every 2 months is wise, esp given episodes were already reduced content


The only good thing is I can commit my time to other games now this isn't going to demand anything from me

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Another thing that I noticed is that you need 30 of those prismaticite crystals per weapon. At around 20 min on average, and only getting one per mission, this means it’ll take 10 hours for one weapon and 150 hours for the rest. The recipe achievement gives you enough material for one weapon.


There's the home instance node too. Which (as if they couldn't figure out enough ways to aggravate players) only drops 1 crystal per gather over the entire node. i.e., got the prismatic crystal on first strike, butsecond and third strikes gave junk items - one gravel, one stone.


But good grief, those missions were snoozers. Boring grind isn't content.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Another thing that I noticed is that you need 30 of those prismaticite crystals per weapon. At around 20 min on average, and only getting one per mission, this means it’ll take 10 hours for one weapon and 150 hours for the rest. The recipe achievement gives you enough material for one weapon.


What weapons are you talking about?

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It's ok. The drm tho are just tanky golems for 5 man and not exactly fun just 5 man strike missions that take 20m with the 5m beginning like fs. I mean I'll do the dailys and it''ll be fast for the 16 recipes then take forever for the weapons to craft. It almost forces you to consider the 50g node which I've never bought from any episode to cut time off. Idk I did 6 reg missions and there's challenge mode so I can't imagine the hp of those golem sponges

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I didn't expect much and at least it was not disappointing in that regard.


I actually like the change of format compared to the usual LW episodes. And good job, VAs, working from home? :)


The dialogs were fun and this time the cast is larger than normally, isn't it? However, I'm concerned about the story itself. Smells like retcons looming just beyond the horizon... I hope the dragon story will not be cut too short.

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A little short chapter but i'm not suprised since they are working on the new expansion.


That the difficulty isn't high isn't a problem for me since these episode is for all and not only the elite.

So it's good that the level isn't "too high" like that people can enjoy even if they aren't the elite.


I didn't play the challenge mod for now, but i imagine that it will give some challenge for the elite. For the other, they can play normal without crisis on their keyboard ^^


I must admet that i was thinking that some event was in the real map and not only in instance. A little (very little) dissapointed by that.


The things that i didn't understand as many at first it was "token". They should rename it in the actual currency requested for the actual phase of collecting.

Happy to hear Aurene again btw :)


The daily seems bring us to all meta and it's a good things like that, meta in older map aren't dead and it's a really good things in my opinion. People can do in same time some achievement that they haven't too etc. So it's a good things for me.


But in general, i'm not disapointed, it's normal. These chapter bring us to the next expansion.

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> Honestly I did not expect much from this episode based on the trailer but I didn't realise it would be this bad.


I think that sums it up perfectly.


> I am really curious about what others think of this release.... For me it was the worst one we ever had so far.


Yeh, Season 5 has already set the bar low, but this episode was the worst.



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It's okay. It didn't blow me away and it didn't disappoint me. I noticed that the enemies were HP sponges, too, so I started to look for any strategies to bring them down quickly and found the following: The first boss goes down a bit quicker if you borrow a golem from the golemancer, stun the boss, do some damage, rinse/repeat; it still didn't do much more damage, but it made it a lot easier to keep things in check. Skill 2 interrupts the enemy, making its break bar go down quicker. The second boss is a bit easier because the fern puppers drain the break bar (i think) and do a set amount of damage. The third one was a grind and I really couldn't find a way to bring it down any quicker than I was (I'm playing a Healbrand, so I ended up just cheesing some of it by reflecting the damage back at it when it was doing its AoE. It's possible that the fire tornadoes may damage it, but I don't know how. I soloed the instances because I wanted to see what I need to do before I went in with a group.


Also: I wouldn't judge an expansion by an episode you don't like. I don't know why people love to jump conclusions. I swear to the gods you people can be so overly dramatic.

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> @"thehipone.6812" said:

> There's the home instance node too. Which (as if they couldn't figure out enough ways to aggravate players) only drops 1 crystal per gather over the entire node. i.e., got the prismatic crystal on first strike, butsecond and third strikes gave junk items - one gravel, one stone.


Similar for me: 1 crystal and 2 gravel.


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Was super hyped for this release, actually thought the missions were going to be meta events in the old maps, not instances that don't allow squads..

The missions take too long, boring without mechanics and not rewarding. Steel hum all over again..


The volcanic weapons are more cloud than skin and again just a recolor of an existing weapon with some effects on top. Crystal bloom axe looked sick in trailer, like an elven executioner axe. While in-game it's a woodchopper axe..


Overall, the update felt like copy and paste with a lot of potential but wrong execution.. :s

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The story itself was ok, but there's a few things that I didn't like.


First off, the incorporation of instanced multiplayer content in storyline is a trend that I extremely dislike.

I want to play the story when I want, where I want, how I want and with whom I want.

The fact the 3 missions are implemented in the story was a HUGE dissapointment for me.

With no friends on to form a proper party, I either had to wait, or play with strangers in public mode

I am a FIRM believer that story should be SOLO content with the OPTION to do in party.


The second thing are the bosses.

They are merely DPS sponges. It didn't feel like I was fighting a boss, it felt like I was trying to tear down a wall with a toothpick. Very easy shortcut design.


Thirdly too many loose ends.

- Hardly any explanation what the home node is for

- New currency in Crystal Bloom Support Marks that do NOT go to wallet.

- Green markers on the maps in Metrica, Brisban and Gendarran but NO explanation that it can ONLY be done through Eye of the North. Why are they even there then??

- Gendarran opening felt extremely bugged. I only got 10% of the damage I normally do. Only when the boss (again a grind MACHINE) came into play the numbers normalized. From what I saw, the others in my party had similar issues.


If the rest of the story is similar, that it's sorta instanced group content you MUST do to progress... with NO SERIOUS option to play solo as you EXPECT in story...

Then I hope this grindfest ends QUICKLY.


Give me PROPER STORY!!!!!!

NOT public group content!!!


It's a shame, because it could've been so much better.

I hated when that one strike mission for story demanded playing with a squad, I hate this one demands playing with a party.

(We all know the 1 to 5 means forget about 1... not happening)



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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Another thing that I noticed is that you need 30 of those prismaticite crystals per weapon. At around 20 min on average, and only getting one per mission, this means it’ll take 10 hours for one weapon and 150 hours for the rest. The recipe achievement gives you enough material for one weapon.


> What weapons are you talking about?


The ones for the achievement.

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I had fun but I'm not going to lie, I was disappointed.

I know there's more to come in the coming weeks but If it's focused on the response missions then I've kind of lost interest. The Missions themselves I don't see myself doing again, They're fun to do once for the story but that's just it, they're a repeatable story instance that to me are quite boring to replay and are not rewarding.


My hope is this is all just a kind of prologue building up primordus in the Chapter for a much bigger finale.

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Damage spongy enemies, and bosses so dull I actually played dead through the third mission and went off to do something else. I'm going to have to do the third one over, because I apparently took a perfectly logical shortcut to Ascalon Settlement and missed the mastery point. Le whee.


Somehow they made something even more boring than the original strike missions.


There is one thing though: the writing was obnoxious enough that I've developed the same detestation for the NPCs that all of my guildmates have.

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