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Sunqua Peak has ruined fractals for me - [Merged]


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I only have one character that I know how to play properly - a warrior / bannerslave. I was getting really good and accumulated over 100KP in fractals, well on my way to Fractal Prodigy.


Unfortunately Sunqua Peak has ruined this completely for me, to the extent that I now no longer want to play fractals. This boss requires condi DPS, and at best the condi berserker's DPS absolutely SUCKS. I have tried and tried and tried, and I can't do this fractal. No matter what. So it's either learn to play some new character from scratch or quit fractals altogether. Nowadays it's impossible to find a decent group for the other fractals, since most parties start including 100CM. I just can't do this fractal.


Thank you, A-Net, for ruining my favourite part of the game.

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Condi damage is preferred, but it is by no means required. That would be akin to the red Vale Guardian split. Community preference isn't A.net's fault either. Also, there's always making your own group, though I see LFG groups that skip over 100 CM all the time. Then there's also the static/ guild approach. Multiple solutions!


Good luck. Explore possibilities! Not excuses.

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Eh. ANet made 9 classes (arguably 18 if we're counting elite specs) for us to play, nobody is making you run bannerslave and nothing else.


What you've said here is "I am choosing to run this one specific spec on this one specific class, and all game content in the future must cater to my particular choice." I think that's pretty dumb.

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> @"TaurusZA.5493" said:

> I only have one character that I know how to play properly - a warrior / bannerslave. I was getting really good and accumulated over 100KP in fractals, well on my way to Fractal Prodigy.


> Unfortunately Sunqua Peak has ruined this completely for me, to the extent that I now no longer want to play fractals. This boss requires condi DPS, and at best the condi berserker's DPS absolutely SUCKS. I have tried and tried and tried, and I can't do this fractal. No matter what. So it's either learn to play some new character from scratch or quit fractals altogether. Nowadays it's impossible to find a decent group for the other fractals, since most parties start including 100CM. I just can't do this fractal.


> Thank you, A-Net, for ruining my favourite part of the game.


Join lfg groups that are advertising for "old CMs" instead of "CMs". If none exist, start one yourself.

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> @"TaurusZA.5493" said:

> I only have one character that I know how to play properly - a warrior / bannerslave. I was getting really good and accumulated over 100KP in fractals, well on my way to Fractal Prodigy.


> Unfortunately Sunqua Peak has ruined this completely for me, to the extent that I now no longer want to play fractals. This boss requires condi DPS, and **at best the condi berserker's DPS absolutely SUCKS**. I have tried and tried and tried, and I can't do this fractal. No matter what. So it's either learn to play some new character from scratch or quit fractals altogether. Nowadays it's impossible to find a decent group for the other fractals, since most parties start including 100CM. I just can't do this fractal.


> Thank you, A-Net, for ruining my favourite part of the game.


No it doesnt. I've seen plenty of good condi warriors there. On the other hand power bs should deal almost the same dps as the other dps players in the other fractals and almost no bs does that either. Support mindset is too strong.

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Condi warrior is good, yesterday I had a good one, pulling out more than the average dps.


If you're true to your class get good at it, I also consider myself a holosmith one trick pony, condi holo is a hard rotation but I learned to do it and now I'm even competing against the meta classes on cm100 just ebcause I do love my class.

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> @"Wolfb.7025" said:

> Condi warrior is good, yesterday I had a good one, pulling out more than the average dps.


> If you're true to your class get good at it, I also consider myself a holosmith one trick pony, condi holo is a hard rotation but I learned to do it and now I'm even competing against the meta classes on cm100 just ebcause I do love my class.


Second this and everything else said above. Condi warrior works in CM100 and people love those that can swap/go BS for CM99 after. There’s also plenty of LFG starting at CM99.


Side note - I also exclusively play holo and although cholo requires 3x more effort than CFB (almost didn’t bother with cholo bc of this), holo for life!

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> @"TaurusZA.5493" said:

> I only have one character that I know how to play properly - a warrior / bannerslave. I was getting really good and accumulated over 100KP in fractals, well on my way to Fractal Prodigy.


> Unfortunately Sunqua Peak has ruined this completely for me, to the extent that I now no longer want to play fractals. This boss requires condi DPS, and at best the condi berserker's DPS absolutely SUCKS. I have tried and tried and tried, and I can't do this fractal. No matter what. So it's either learn to play some new character from scratch or quit fractals altogether. Nowadays it's impossible to find a decent group for the other fractals, since most parties start including 100CM. I just can't do this fractal.


> Thank you, A-Net, for ruining my favourite part of the game.


I play condi warrior at 100 every day at high kp groups and i usually im on par or i outdps most fbs. So its not that its trash, its that you need to practise more.

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Condi BS also works wonders in the right hands, AI has a set pattern on how long she will stand in a side of the arena and you can basically get 90+ banner uptime in the entire fight IF you know how the fight goes.

The problem is not many people knows this fight, and the average PUG prefers to have another condi dps instead.

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> @"TaurusZA.5493" said:

> I only have one character that I know how to play properly - a warrior / bannerslave. I was getting really good and accumulated over 100KP in fractals, well on my way to Fractal Prodigy.


Not sure if you like this answer, but when you reach endgame in GW2 (would count cm fracs as endgame) i would suggest you to find an other class you enjoy. Its very important for the long term motivation to play this game and it makes it a lot of easier to find groups if you can fill multiple roles.



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> @"TaurusZA.5493" said:

> I only have one character that I know how to play properly - a warrior / bannerslave. I was getting really good and accumulated over 100KP in fractals, well on my way to Fractal Prodigy.


> Unfortunately Sunqua Peak has ruined this completely for me, to the extent that I now no longer want to play fractals. This boss requires condi DPS, and at best the condi berserker's DPS absolutely SUCKS. I have tried and tried and tried, and I can't do this fractal. No matter what. So it's either learn to play some new character from scratch or quit fractals altogether. Nowadays it's impossible to find a decent group for the other fractals, since most parties start including 100CM. I just can't do this fractal.


> Thank you, A-Net, for ruining my favourite part of the game.


I think 100 CM has ruined fractals for a lot of people. Mostly because it completly ruined LFG. I was at 450+ old KP and I played fractals like thrice since months, despite playing raids and other gamemodes almost daily.

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It ruined it for me for other reasons.


"You did CM 100/T4 100 and finished it? Well since you liked it so much have fun doing it again for your T3 Rec"

"You did T4 100 and climbed up that mountain? ^"

"Oh you wiped? Here, have a bugged instance, and have fun climbing up that mountain again."

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> @"TaurusZA.5493" said:

> I only have one character that I know how to play properly - a warrior / bannerslave. I was getting really good and accumulated over 100KP in fractals, well on my way to Fractal Prodigy.


> Unfortunately Sunqua Peak has ruined this completely for me, to the extent that I now no longer want to play fractals. This boss requires condi DPS, and at best the condi berserker's DPS absolutely SUCKS. I have tried and tried and tried, and I can't do this fractal. No matter what. So it's either learn to play some new character from scratch or quit fractals altogether. Nowadays it's impossible to find a decent group for the other fractals, since most parties start including 100CM. I just can't do this fractal.


> Thank you, A-Net, for ruining my favourite part of the game.


"and at best the condi berserker's DPS absolutely SUCKS".. Oh really ? And why am I always first with 30-31, way better than firebrands and mirages ? You can't play it well that's why it sucks for you... Just learn your skills, their cooldowns and what they EXACTLY do.. Try to use leaps in fire fields when need to move, combo finisters from longbow in fire fields etc. and you will see. And the thing why is condi needed ? Condi isn't needed.. People look for condi because they found SC's video with full squad of condi classes, that's why. It doen't matter you are condi or power..

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Well honestly, if it's endgame content, you should at least know how to play multiple class, it's not healty in game design wise to create 9 class that each have 2 spec with each spec that can play power and most of the time condi to (bonus for the spec that can support to like fb, thief, ele, and minus for the niche class like mirage, druid, scrapper so it's go back to even), and to let players be able to play only one build of one spec of one class.


The only thing that kinda suck is to ask AR for each build, they should have make it to an account progression :/, even if i undesrtand the argument for being character only (even if more build progression than character), but it's quite boring.

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> @"Morokey.8534" said:

> > @"TaurusZA.5493" said:

> > I only have one character that I know how to play properly - a warrior / bannerslave. I was getting really good and accumulated over 100KP in fractals, well on my way to Fractal Prodigy.

> >

> > Unfortunately Sunqua Peak has ruined this completely for me, to the extent that I now no longer want to play fractals. This boss requires condi DPS, and at best the condi berserker's DPS absolutely SUCKS. I have tried and tried and tried, and I can't do this fractal. No matter what. So it's either learn to play some new character from scratch or quit fractals altogether. Nowadays it's impossible to find a decent group for the other fractals, since most parties start including 100CM. I just can't do this fractal.

> >

> > Thank you, A-Net, for ruining my favourite part of the game.


> "and at best the condi berserker's DPS absolutely SUCKS".. Oh really ? And why am I always first with 30-31, way better than firebrands and mirages ? You can't play it well that's why it sucks for you... Just learn your skills, their cooldowns and what they EXACTLY do.. Try to use leaps in fire fields when need to move, combo finisters from longbow in fire fields etc. and you will see. And the thing why is condi needed ? Condi isn't needed.. People look for condi because they found SC's video with full squad of condi classes, that's why. It doen't matter you are condi or power..


Well to be honest power can do it to, but mirage/fb compo are better and much safer. But yea, condi is not mandatory just better if played with the same skill.

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> @"TaurusZA.5493" said:

> I only have one character that I know how to play properly - a warrior / bannerslave. I was getting really good and accumulated over 100KP in fractals, well on my way to Fractal Prodigy.


> Unfortunately Sunqua Peak has ruined this completely for me, to the extent that I now no longer want to play fractals. This boss requires condi DPS, and at best the condi berserker's DPS absolutely SUCKS. I have tried and tried and tried, and I can't do this fractal. No matter what. So it's either learn to play some new character from scratch or quit fractals altogether. Nowadays it's impossible to find a decent group for the other fractals, since most parties start including 100CM. I just can't do this fractal.


> Thank you, A-Net, for ruining my favourite part of the game.


You can go whit mele dps but is not the best only but you can do it.

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I only have one character that I know how to play properly - mesmer/ condi mirage. I was getting really good and accumulated over 100KP raids, well on my way to voice in the void.


Unfortunately many raids and all fractals other than 100 has ruined this completely for me, to the extent that I now no longer want to play fractals. Most bosses requires power DPS, and at best the condi mirage DPS absolutely SUCKS. I have tried and tried and tried, and I can't do most fractals or raids. No matter what. So it's either learn to play some new character from scratch or quit fractals and raids altogether. Nowadays it's impossible to find a decent group for the fractals, since most parties start including 99CM. I just can't do this fractal.


Thank you, A-Net, for ruining my favourite part of the game.


See what i did there? You cant be angry that you cannot take part of every piece of gw2 endgame where ppl more or less requires astleast soft meta composition if you one trick one qnd one build only.

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> @"TaurusZA.5493" said:

> I only have one character that I know how to play properly - a warrior / bannerslave. I was getting really good and accumulated over 100KP in fractals, well on my way to Fractal Prodigy.


> Unfortunately Sunqua Peak has ruined this completely for me, to the extent that I now no longer want to play fractals. This boss requires condi DPS, and at best the condi berserker's DPS absolutely SUCKS. I have tried and tried and tried, and I can't do this fractal. No matter what. So it's either learn to play some new character from scratch or quit fractals altogether. Nowadays it's impossible to find a decent group for the other fractals, since most parties start including 100CM. I just can't do this fractal.


> Thank you, A-Net, for ruining my favourite part of the game.


My 2 main classes that I love are my Mirage & Teef. I play them well, and can complete all CM's, but if I had to be honest with myself, Mirage is only good for CM100 and Teef is 98/99 + T4s. I view my ARCdps every fight for both classes and I only ever make top dps with either class in poor dps PUG groups. Now thats all fine and dandy--I dont care about speed runs; the problem arises when (instead of me creating the group) I join random PUGs. I cant tell you how many times I have joined a 98/99 on my thief, only to be immediately kicked out of the group. All the group said in the description is PDPS. I've actually whispered the group leader and said this, and their responses are, "you should know thief is not META and is greedy (ie no group support besides some BS skips)." My mirage, no matter the build cannot compete with condi FB.


So, instead of dealing with the salt from others, just create the groups right?? Wrong. What I've seen, numerous times is even as the leader, ppl b*tching about the dps being too low (even though no deaths occured), and dropping group. I'm not taking about some under 10k dps, but ppl wanting golem-style dps numbers always--for PUG's! Its like these speed clearing players are guildlessand just berating PUGs to be at their caliber.


To get an idea of the numbers these, what I call, professional fractal speed clear ppl can do--I created a group for CM on my mirage the other day--a SlB & FB/DH joined. They were doing 50-75k on numerous bosses--phasing was so fast, I thought it was hacking, lol!


My point, I geared out my HB the other day, watched some videos and read some forums on how to play it. Now I join/create groups--no questions asked, no critques given (so long as might stays capped, stability when needed and heals). If pDH or cFB are this fun, Ill make a set of gear for that.


It does not feel right, as I LOVE my mirage and teef, but in going for the fractal titles and some days, I just cant stand defending my toons, and their off META skills. Ill reserve their playtime for Open World events--maybe EOD xpact will breath new life into this META.



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