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Why do achievements?

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I don't try to do all the achievements, and the reason I do them varies. But here's my main 3 reasons:


1) It just happened. The achievement is something like 'finish a story step' or 'kill 50 of these enemies' and sooner or later I've completed it just by playing. Sometimes I didn't even know it was an achievement until it pops up.


2) The description makes it sound interesting or fun, so I want to try doing it. These are often collections or the ones which are basically side quests, but it can also be silly things like the one for finding a golden chicken in Tarir. Most recently it was [The Hunger](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Hunger), in Bjora Marches. I found the kodan, was curious about what was going on with him, happened to find where to get the first item and then decided to finish the collection to see how it turns out.


3) I want something from it. Some achievements are required to get mini pets (either directly or it unlocks the ability to buy it) and I collect minis so I want to do those. Sometimes I like the skin or title it gives you, or I need another mastery point, or it's part of a meta-achievement I want to complete or whatever.


About the only reason I don't do them is to get achievement points because while I like some of the zenith skins (and I like the look of the pinnacle skins, but I'm quite a way off getting them) they're not worth the hassle to go out of my way to collect. I get achievement points gradually anyway (see point 1 on the list) and I don't care about competing with other people to have the most, so it doesn't seem worth going out of my way to get them.

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I used to be in your train of thought, I didn't give it any importance, I still don't. Now I just give achievements importance if they give me something in return that has value. For instance, I want the runic cape, so I need to get the achieve to be able to get it. I want the legendary armor, so I need the achieve for that. I want the mist shard armor so do the achieves for that.


Occasionally if I'm doing the story a second time I'd challenge myself to not die or go down, or try to get the challenge achieve that goes away for fun.


I don't care about people's AP scores because it only serves as a meter for how long you've played the game for, that's it nothing major.

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If you are a hardcore MMO player that spends tens of thousands of hours in game, those extra magic find, gold drop, experience and karma increases really add up. It's alot to do with "adding value to your account". But it's all a matter of perspective. No perspective is wrong. Just playing the game and having fun is completely fine. Others like to set goals and objectives for themselves. Some just like the benefits those achievements provide.

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For most it becomes a personal goal, one to see a big number, some for titles/minis/items/etc. Frequently it's something to do in MMOs during "down time", i.e. between content releases, waiting for raid resets. Personally I enjoy achievements, sometimes I find interesting things I would not have looked into or aspects of the game I would not have tried. It calls attention and gets many people to try different things.

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People already finish games for 100% achievement outside of Guild Wars 2 without getting anything at all (in most cases).

Here you at least get achievement rewards.

It's fun to do for some people, actually ever since I came back to the game it's what I've mostly been doing.

Good news is that you can easily just ignore it and enjoy the game if you don't find it to be fun.

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1) You might not think a 1% Gold and/or MF bonus is a lot, but it really does add up. You are going to progress faster maxing achieves with the ACCOUNT-WIDE bonuses they offer.


As others have said, they're often tied to particular rewards. As someone who one day wants a full legendary set, the Achieves required for vision are useful. I found other achievements in Jahai I liked so I did them too (1 gives a permanent GF bonus as a reward, in and of itself). I also found some pieces of story interesting for Jahai. Achievements help you experience the world in greater depth.


And then lastly, you can do them if you're bored/want bragging rights.

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> @"Obfuscate.6430" said:

> For the reasons already stated. Though truthfully, lately, I have not felt particularly motivated since speed clearing particular grinds has encouraged people to want or need meta builds and party compositions. Just kind of took the fun out of wanting to go for stuff. u_u


People do have a knack for taking the fun out of a game, don't they?

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I do them for two reasons:


- I'm a completionist. I like hunting around and collecting items and get satisfaction from completing a collection.

- Some of the rewards are nice

- Many of the achievements are connected to the legendary items in the game (weapons, armour, trinkets). Having very rewarding items like that makes the achievements fun to complete. Well.... Fun most of the time, sometimes it can be a little tedious.

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Normally achievements in games are just hollow content meant to give you something to do.

In gw2 achievements also act like quests from other games, with a lot of them being collections which can lead to rewarding items like skins, mastery points, legendaries, and ascended gear etc.

Overall when you get to the thresholds every 500 points you can also gain account bonuses, (yes gold), skins, titles, and even free gems.


So why do achievements? for the rewards of your interest, the overall points bonuses you shouldn't bother keeping a hard track on.


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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> A measly handful of gold? Is it just to see a big number next to your name? Is it the average-looking skins?


Why play the game at all?

Do whatever you want, nobody said you need to do anything and nobody cares if you won't touch achievements.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> A measly handful of gold?


Some achievements are really expensive and require loads of gold, so doing achievements "for the gold" isn't really going to work.

As for why I do achievements? Because I like doing things, that's true for mmorpgs and single player games, as nowadays all of them have achievements.

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Because, why not?

You can do achievements because:

1- It's something to do in between patches, that takes around 3 our 4 months to be released

2- Every 10k points you get some free gold and free gems to spend

3- It rewards you some special skins that are only obtainable by reaching a certain amount of points

4- Some are really challenging for the majority of the players and it's nice to do difficult stuff sometimes

5- Some achievements give you other rewards rather than just the points, like items, gear, skins, etc

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