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What are your issues with GW2 and how would you fix them?

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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> I agree here with you. I find it funny that after Chuka and Champawat ANet said that the Legendary Collections are going to be discontinued as they take too much of their work time and effort just to make a legendary item.

> And I sit here and wonder - are they saying that making content for the game takes them too much time and resources? This was mind-blowing for me as I find Legendary Collections one of the best HoT additions. Having a journey for your item - an actual journey in order to get your weapon is somewhat a foundation of MMORPGs.

They'd rather sell those weapon skins via the shop, rather than letting us have a lengthy, but achievable without buying gems, goal.

And now with the "interactions" between the loadout system and legendaries, they created another reason not to make any more.


> @"HardRider.2980" said:

> Stop putting everything in the Gemstore and more ingame - take out some things as rewards and put them into the gemstore - Transformation stones for example.

> I'm not saying no to Gemstore. But it needs to be properly based in quality not quanity.

Somehow they need to _milk_ the players.


> Dailies -

> Reduce the amount we got. There is way too many that takes all day doing, reducing what players can do without spending ALL day in the game. Perhaps get rid of some simple ones. (Too many per map basically)

Take away the simple dailies and many players will be leaving.

I already only do the simple ones like Vista Viewing, Gathering and PvP Participation. I probably are far from the only one to do so.

I doubt anet wants even more people to log in 2 or 3 days once every 3 months whenever new content is out, when they can have them online daily for an hour.


> Cheaters and banning/punishment -

> You seriously need to SORT THIS OUT. Act fast.. don't wait for "group bans". If reports go in, Knowing that they're there 3 weeks later makes players wonder what is the point. It's enough it ruins pvp for the day, having bots and cheaters there throughout the season makes people just give up.

While its almost exclusively detrimental to the game mode, having those people there is a bump in PvP activity metrics, which potential shareholders (without any further knowledge other than metrics) see as more positive.

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I'll add some ideas I have to fix some issues since y'all covered quite a bit of what I was going to say.


* More core skills/weapons

* World event system overhaul to be more engaging and rewarding offering unique rewards and opening vendors with unique items for fashion wars.

* Removal of the gift of battle requirement for Legendaries. Seriously, I despise WvW. I have 4 precursors in my inventory that I'm putting off finishing because I hate WvW that much!

* Hard Mode Dungeons at level 80 with prestige armor and weapons.

* Dyable legendary backpieces. Like, give all the legendary backpieces dye channels.

* A new Expansion.

* I'd rework the specialization system to be bit less linear in its implementation.

* More traits that change the nature of a weapon for example a trait that changes the necromancer warhorn's wail of doom so that it fears instead of dazes.

* A new tiers of racial armor linked to Questing for that race to unlock.


Some of the issues I see is with rewards for a lot of content that it just doesn't offer much. So I'd like to see more of that. Dungeons really need an upgrade as well and need something for the dedicated player to jump into after completing all of the dungeon paths and getting to 80. Open world events don't really prepare players for them and draw them into them. Mostly a player is either ready for it or surprised by it. I'd like to see these events reworked so they involve smaller events on the map that build into that map's world event and even have a fail clause that allows the group to try again to push the event forward following a new chain of events to do so. The punishment for failing a world event in my opinion should impact the entire map you're in. These events have no gravitas to them and often leave a deflating experience when they fail. It looks gamy as is now and feels lame to new players. So the punishment shouldn't be a time gate to the event to restart but pushing players to further engage with the map they're on to learn better cooperation skills and to get another chance to call their friends to aid them to push back against the tide of the failed event once again.


As what I said about the specialization system I'm all for more options. I dislike how linear and how much control I feel arena net has over me amd my build to the point I don't feel I'm making decisions for myself but being directed in how Anet wants me to play. So to reduce this linearity would be something I'd love to see.


To put it simply. I want more stuff, more consequences, to not be forced into WvW, and more customization over my build.

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This game lacks stand alone content. Side Stories has pretty much failed the goal of replayability and meaning. Knight of the Thorn was its peak.


As for smaller, fixable problems I encounter is how there is a vast inconsistency between the expected content updates. Vendor items not being in line with previous worthwhile content.


This new season is making all the offenses with episode one. The prologue is an oddity in how high quality an update it was aside from the node dropping for some reason and the mask being infusion levels of rare. It made the follow up first episode look like the worst released content on a mechanical level. No longevity, worthwhile repeatable purchases, or a use for its resource after the single buy items. The raven pet with its high cooldown means you'll flood your inventory long before you use them up.


Consistency and unique items from previous seasons is what lacks here.



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main issue - a change that was announced for my main game mode (WvW) 2 years ago is still apparently not even close to being a thing. Meanwhile, a significant number of people stopped playing after the announcement so they could wait for it to be implemented, and every month more people are leaving because they are tired of no worth while changes to the mode.


Sorry, but Warclaw is not a significant change to WvW. The only thing significant about it is that it was introduced broken (leading more people to quit), and now the "rebalancing" of it is being touted as an update to the mode...nope...nope...nope.


I realize the staff working on WvW, and everything else really, is spread pretty thin these days, but to announce a major change to a mode that most certainly would've injected more people to the game, or at least stopped its slow decline, and then go practically silent on it since, is killing off what little remains of the population.


Don't announce a significant overhaul to a game mode that most of its players are practically begging for and then go silent for 2 years while the player base for said game mode continues to dwindle.

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Improvement to communication. At times since LS1 and our rejection of the format (and often the living world in general), it has felt like the community is a merely a hindrance and an annoyance to their art. It's a harsh observation and perhaps untrue, but they are so stand off ish, so unwilling to engage and so encouraging of the divide between dev and community in a way unlike most of other games companies, that it does sometimes feel like it.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> The biggest problem is when they strayed from content that appealed to the original market. It gave hope to a low population of high performance players the game was moving in a direction that Anet can barely support. Maybe this is why we see so many calls for 'content' ... Anet spread themselves way to thin trying to appeal to this fringe groups. From a business perspective, the ROI on raids must be relatively low.


> There isn't a fix to this without abandoning some players at this point. They should have stopped at Fractals.


All these players dont even contribute to make game feel "populated", their end-game is sit on lfg selling raid kills. I wonder where on earth a game improved the revenues by being more appealing to speedruners farmers.

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> @"susana.7814" said:

> No challenge in game besides some fractals and raids but once u get the rewards, there's really no reason to keep doing raids.

> Lack of content other than story modes ( it should not take 10 months to make a new fractal) ( We've had the same holiday events now for 7 years)

> Predatory monetization of integral game features and unwillingness to address it.

> No more elite specs or races or expansion on the horizon

> No worthwhile rewards that are obtainable in game outside of the gemstore

> Terrible class balance

> Quest system is just bad, Hearts are and always were bad and are not immersive in any way.

> Pvp is full of bots and cheaters and nothing is done

> Wvw hasn't gotten any content other than the warclaw since HOT


Just My words


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> The biggest problem is when they strayed from content that appealed to the original market. It gave hope to a low population of high performance players the game was moving in a direction that Anet can barely support. Maybe this is why we see so many calls for 'content' ... Anet spread themselves way to thin trying to appeal to this fringe groups. From a business perspective, the ROI on raids must be relatively low.


> There isn't a fix to this without abandoning some players at this point. They should have stopped at Fractals.


What the heck are you talking about. Do you not remember how hard dungeons were prior to the hot power creep. Do you not remember how difficult triple trouble and teq were before the condi limit was extended past 25 and allowed object to be crit. Lupi is still difficult content if you dont cheese him with reflects and that was the original end game. Remember when Silverwaste failed the meta many times because people would not do the mechanics. This was the original core game.

Compare either Shadow of the dragon final ls episode fights to the current one. Both Shadow fights were no npcs, where the player had to get good to win. The boring ice dude is unfailable, the npcs will kill him for you. How did this happen? Why does Anet think the playerbase is so dim now compared to its pre HoT golden age. Probably because it is not about player retention anymore, its about instant gratification. Why train players to get good at the game when they will be gone 3 months until the next content patch drops. That is the only reason i can see why they went from difficult launch content, to unfailable content we have now.

Just because you are getting the content you like doesn't mean you need to dismiss entire communities you don't enjoy.

And on roi with raids, with proliferation of raid selling, where does that gold come from? Why does anet ban people for selling home instance access but not raid selling? Probably because gemstore whales are involved with raid buying.


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Everyone here has said something I agree with.


Daddicus.6128 hit the nail on the head for me.




"First is more achievements available for less-than-perfect gamers. It is impossible for anyone without top skills to get radiant (or hellfire) skins for all pieces. The vast majority of achievements that I don't already have are unattainable by me; I'm just not good enough to complete them."




I would roll over with sheer delight if this became so. I too am a sorry gamer, but I very much enjoy what content there is in the game that I can do.


Grin. I would pay real money or a lot of gold to hire someone to aid me in the hard stuffs...not do it for me, just help.

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* I need new E-speccs

* I want WvW Alliances to be finally done

* WvW should get more attention

* More big metas like Teq, TT (Happy we're getting Drakkar)

* I'd like to see the return of dungeons, not just fractals, also I'd like "Open World Dungeons" similiar to the Tower of Nightmare from LS1

* There's not enough repeatable solo content, like Queen's Gauntlet

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What do I want to see? Technically challenging content. Not ridiculous damage checks or intricate mechanics type of things, but puzzles and gates that reward you for a mastery of gameplay behind "spam button to win" - think a mount race that requires fluid and semi-precise switching between the various core mounts to complete, or an open world mini dungeon that requires the use of a few classes in coordination to reach the end (with tolerances for what classes and how many can participate. That'd be cool, if impractical.


Practically speaking, I want WvW to have a point again. I miss the days where you got substantial realm bonuses for winning a matchup, though I know how unfair those were. Something similar would be cool to have again. Right now WvW's good for my gift of battle and that's about it


PvP could use some love - I'm excited to see the rebalances; i hope that they bring in more exciting and dynamic gameplay, not less... But I fear that every espec is going to be shoehorned into one very specific role with no variations.



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Just support please , new game modes not just mainly capture and hold... fix and balance professions..... forget swiss till all this other stuff is done imo.



More end game Rewards from Fractals, Strikes, and Raids you dont need to change some of these things just add more content to them in some cases. Fractals prove to be great mix of mechanics, fun, and lore openers a lot of players tend to enjoy these. It is a big mistake to stop producing fractals imo i hope the fractal team gets back on it. Strikes are nice but if you want people to play them there needs to be juicy rewards with realistic drop rates for committed player who are willing to grind these things daily. Dungeon content could be reworked to slowly introduce players into raids also if reworked could draw a lot more interest from existing players than raids are likely to.


In pve its not just about content but also bout rewards rewards need to be done right with realistic drop rates not drop rates to trap people playing for longer. ITs ok to go back and add more reward or collections when applicable in maps (like with sky-scale) how ever....

Grothmar daily rewards are good example of not to do drop rates ive opened roughly 130 khan ur stash things now (i know some people have opened more) and still got nothing good. This is a lot of time / money investment (which ever a player prefers to get the keys) for something with such an unrealistic drop rate.



Balance this and make wvw feel like a wvw mode

Make open area events in nutral zones for players to contest. More maps like desert borderlands or even edge of the mist would be more realistic for wvw maps than alpine or eternal which is what the wvw has kind of shoved itself into being mostly.


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I don't have many issues with GW2. I'm happy with the game as it is - except for the visual noise. I'd just like a toggle in graphics options for that - turning off the flash of light every time you hit something or something hits you in combat would be a nice start. Better yet, turning off skill effects. We would still *see* them, but they would be *far* less brightly lit.

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> @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > The biggest problem is when they strayed from content that appealed to the original market. It gave hope to a low population of high performance players the game was moving in a direction that Anet can barely support. Maybe this is why we see so many calls for 'content' ... Anet spread themselves way to thin trying to appeal to this fringe groups. From a business perspective, the ROI on raids must be relatively low.

> >

> > There isn't a fix to this without abandoning some players at this point. They should have stopped at Fractals.


> What the heck are you talking about. Do you not remember how hard dungeons were prior to the hot power creep.


Nothing in my post said being hard was the problem. In fact, I think i was clear in what I think the problem is, and it's not about content being hard.



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Lack of depth, it is a simpleton game, reason I can’t play it more often... it does not worth thebtine.



Classes lack balance and depth on its skill design and combat complexity that’s were skill comes, not from 111 targets with high damage or rewarding gimmicks.


Guilds are useless, they need content and pvp would be the way.

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All I really want is more frequent attention to how they balance PvP/WvW and more content for those modes. Imagine if they released a balance patch every other week, even if small. It would keep the meta fairly fresh and keep things churning often enough that by the time some people find and start abusing a new 'broken build' things will already be changing. Not like HUGE skill reworks all the time but constant number tweaking, addition/removal of basic skill effects, stuff like that.

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My main gripe is with the UI and visual clutter. The game has solid game mechanics, combat system and character/skill/weapon system. Lot's of people cry about balance but the truth is that unless you are top of the top in pvp the build is not really what is holding you back. It is actually not as cookie cutter as most rpgs I played and in the end people always cry about balance.


Anyway I would first improve the UI. It is a relative small thing that makes a world of difference.

1.) Better boon, condition and other buffs indications on both player and enemy. Larger icons, more distinction between them and perhaps some customization (see 2.)). Reactionary short timing boons or conditions should not be hidden in between the long term food, banner and other utility stuff.

2.) Movable and re sizable UI elements. Maybe just a few different presets if you don't want to give us complete freedom. Right now the info is all over the screen and not the easiest to see. I usually have all the player and target info in one place on the screen if the game allows me to.

3.) Better mouse cursor. OMG how I hate the cursor in this game. C'mon this is basic stuff if you want competitive game modes. This was basic in the 90s. I want one color cursor fill with contrast border so it can be seen on any background. If we can customize colors even better. Overall crazy visual clutter just makes this worse. Forget about precision it can become wth is on my screen with all the clutter.

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The fricken invisible walls. To this day, there are places in new maps where you're going somewhere that looks completely open then you faceplant into an invisible wall. It's the epitomy of lazy design. I've been saying for years: if you don't want us to go somewhere, make it obvious with the visual mesh. I understand there are exceptions, like trying to fly off the edges of the map, but there are plenty of places that could be visually impenetrable to match their collision mesh.


How many times have you tried to reach the top of a cliff that looks reachable, only to get slapped by an invisible wall when you get to the top? For Grenth's sake, Anet. Just make the cliff higher. Skyscales and springers do have their vertical limits. Factor in the maximum height of the skyscale, with wall jumping and bond of vigour thrown in and make the cliff higher than that. You're not mapping a real world here. You get to design the mountains the way you want.


So, yeah. Invisible walls. Lazy design, Anet.


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > The biggest problem is when they strayed from content that appealed to the original market. It gave hope to a low population of high performance players the game was moving in a direction that Anet can barely support. Maybe this is why we see so many calls for 'content' ... Anet spread themselves way to thin trying to appeal to this fringe groups. From a business perspective, the ROI on raids must be relatively low.

> > >

> > > There isn't a fix to this without abandoning some players at this point. They should have stopped at Fractals.

> >

> > What the heck are you talking about. Do you not remember how hard dungeons were prior to the hot power creep.


> Nothing in my post said being hard was the problem. In fact, I think i was clear in what I think the problem is, and it's not about content being hard.




Then what was the original audience? What "gave hope to a low population of high performance players"? Raids? T4 fractal? Cm? I think what you think the original audience was never existed.

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As some have already mentioned:


1. New elite specs

2. OR new weapons and weapon skills

3. OR massive trait and skill overhaul


Any of these or all of these make already existing content fun again and really adds to the replayability. It is hard to get excited about playing the same way with the same builds no matter what esthetics they add to a map.

Adding SAGAs with the same chars/specs is just not cutting it.



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