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General Complaint Thread


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Let it be known I am not saying that the things in this list are OP. These are listed because I find them particularly annoying with current patching:


1. Core Necro fear spam - The frequency of application & duration is particularly obnoxious for the effect of making you run 180 degrees from where you're facing.

2. Power Shiro Herald - I absolutely hate how potent this class is in high tier team play. It's actually so much stronger than other classes in high tier team play, that it feels like Power Shiro Heralds traveled back through time to our current patching from some futuristic meta where the game is power crept even worse than it is now.

3. Pistol Whip E Honda Chun Li Thieves - This stupid build operates almost 75% off of solely 1 skill. The only thing that comes to mind that I can even compare this to is Street Fighter II, when someone plays E Honda or Chun Li and they seriously do nothing other than mash 1 button for the 100 hand slap or the Chun Li kick, and for some reason the game design is setup so that a person can actually be effective while doing it. Players of every other character have to possess a well rounded understanding of their character's move set to be successful, but not E Honda & Chun Li players!

4. Too Much Stealth Game Wide - Guild Wars 2 is starting to turn into Stealth Gank Wars 2. I mean don't get me wrong, it's ok in smaller doses. But when 5 out of 10 players in the game are running hard DPS stealth gank builds, and can stealth their team rather frequently as well, the flavor becomes over saturated.

5. Solo/Duo Queue Only In Ranked - I'm not even going to go into why here in this thread. We all know why.

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Stealth spam

Stealth not having a single built-in downside for having so many possible advantages

Conditions spam

Evade spam

Elitists demanding their teammates to play META or they actively help the opponents

Duo Queue taking the average of both ratings, rather than using the higher rating for both

unfriendly and verbally abusive

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Needs fixing immediately:

Boon uptimes in general

Ranger: Greatsword 4-5 should be fixed (not rework, only needs number changes tbh) and "random" pet cc should be deleted. Also longbow range should be fixed.

Revenant: Riposting Shadows, which is an evade, gives more evade, lol. Moreover, you still have staff 3-5 and sword 3. This nearly fills the gap between 2 glint heals.

Druid, Chronomancer, Renegade, Core Engineer: They are very clunky to play.


Almost broken but not quite there yet:

Warrior: Bull's Charge should be fixed. Second is Magebane Tether.

Sword/Pistol Thief: Pistol Whip's damage should be more conditional. Like, nerf it 50% and it could do 50% more damage to disabled targets. Resulting in what, 75% of its current damage, best case? Also, since it's an evade, quickness should not affect it.

Fire Weaver: It's not exactly one skill, but weaver is so strong in general. It should be toned down.

Core mesmer: This oneshot build should not even be a thing. My worst choice in this game was putting this build on Metabattle. Also, bring back glamour trait.


Relatively lower priority changes:

Power Mesmer: Buff sustained damage and nerf burst damage. Fix greatsword, tywm.


Maybe I'll edit this later.

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> Super tired of playing Power Zerker, stunning a soulbeast, then having them:


> *Stunbreak for the 35th time

> *Take 0 damage

> *Block for a year (again, because its CD is pretty damn short for how long it lasts)

> *Zip to the other side of the map

> *Disappear

> *Reset my target with pet taunt

> *CC me with their pet

> *Reset the fight


Then complain to me in PM when I LoS Them. The gall.


>Also tired of people ragewhispering my core necro when they play a build that can immediately disengage from my Reaper and wait until I either drop shroud or it runs out, then pop right back in to eat my HP.


No, my guy. Go on vacation. All expenses paid by fear.


>Also tired of soulbeasts or herald that say "gg" when I'm playing D/P Thief and their revealed works on me, but get upset when I use Pistol Whip.


Maybe don't turn off my defense and I won't have to do that <3 ~


>Magebane tether in general


Oh, you hit me with a move that looks exactly like one of your other moves, and both of those moves have low telegraphs. Guess you get to CC me and heal to full now.

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  • 9 months later...

You need to stop making super far respawn points for Story, stop sensitive red zone kicking players from accidentally stepping into, it freaking restart the whole story all over again. And stop squeezing like 15-18 sub missions into 1 bloody chapter, once player is struck gamer needs do these 15-17 sub mission ALL OVER, and it ain't fun.


Lets not forget your story mode is bugs ridden, easily progress is struck because of a unkillable villian, or character get struck, an event that don't trigger, or something like that. Easily 45 minutes of rework for the gamer. How is that fun


Stop packing 20 over mini task into 1 chapter. OMG. I think you can do a secondary buffer to warn. Instead of straight kick. Sometime a player just fell into a awkward gap and cannot get back - for that to do it all over just makes people want to delete the game all together. You feeling the frustration yet?

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:


> 3. Pistol Whip E Honda Chun Li Thieves - This stupid build operates almost 75% off of solely 1 skill. The only thing that comes to mind that I can even compare this to is Street Fighter II, when someone plays E Honda or Chun Li and they seriously do nothing other than mash 1 button for the 100 hand slap or the Chun Li kick, and for some reason the game design is setup so that a person can actually be effective while doing it. Players of every other character have to possess a well rounded understanding of their character's move set to be successful, but not E Honda & Chun Li players!


Juggernaut scrapper needs to be added into that category imo. It's one thing to have the spammed skill cost a resource, it's another entirely when it's the freaking auto-attack.



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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> 3. Pistol Whip E Honda Chun Li Thieves - This stupid build operates almost 75% off of solely 1 skill. The only thing that comes to mind that I can even compare this to is Street Fighter II, when someone plays E Honda or Chun Li and they seriously do nothing other than mash 1 button for the 100 hand slap or the Chun Li kick, and for some reason the game design is setup so that a person can actually be effective while doing it. Players of every other character have to possess a well rounded understanding of their character's move set to be successful, but not E Honda & Chun Li players!


To be fair to PW thieves, it's the only skill on that weapon-set that actually does damage (aside from autos I guess). If you're trying to damage a target, what else can you do? The #4 and #5 are pretty much redundant on S/P. You'd have to seriously buff sword auto attacks to make it worthwhile not using PW.


S/D also has this problem, although not to quite the same extent. Still, you're not gonna burst anyone down with Throw Dagger.

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# Things that really grind my gears in PvP:


* Matchmaking - One side has 2 premades, our side has zero. Why?

* No pentalty for AFK - Did your team lose the first mid fight? Don't be surprised if you find Karen doing laps around your spawn.

* Stealth render lag - I love it when my opponent ganks me out of stealth, and it takes the game a full 3 seconds to render their model.

* No valid path - Lol, didn't see that minuscule bump in the terrain? Guess you didn't want that skill to go off

* Stage Roulette - Why can't I dismiss the box? I like doing things in the open world while waiting for the queue to pop.

* Entangling Roots - Pulsing Immob. **WHY**. What did I do to deserve this?



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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> Needs fixing immediately:

> Boon uptimes in general

> Ranger: Greatsword 4-5 should be fixed (not rework, only needs number changes tbh) and "random" pet cc should be deleted. Also longbow range should be fixed.

> Revenant: Riposting Shadows, which is an evade, gives more evade, lol. Moreover, you still have staff 3-5 and sword 3. This nearly fills the gap between 2 glint heals.

> Druid, Chronomancer, Renegade, Core Engineer: They are very clunky to play.


> Almost broken but not quite there yet:

> Warrior: Bull's Charge should be fixed. Second is Magebane Tether.

> Sword/Pistol Thief: Pistol Whip's damage should be more conditional. Like, nerf it 50% and it could do 50% more damage to disabled targets. Resulting in what, 75% of its current damage, best case? Also, since it's an evade, quickness should not affect it.

> Fire Weaver: It's not exactly one skill, but weaver is so strong in general. It should be toned down.

> Core mesmer: This oneshot build should not even be a thing. My worst choice in this game was putting this build on Metabattle. Also, bring back glamour trait.


> Relatively lower priority changes:

> Power Mesmer: Buff sustained damage and nerf burst damage. Fix greatsword, tywm.


> Maybe I'll edit this later.


Nvm just seen the date ?

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The necro is strong with this one. Back in the day I would have said lack of diversity plus a bit of shave to CC, soon boons, some unblockables and stealth. I only have one complaint now. SPvP is unplayable. I could go in details, but meh, just look for the feedback on Feb changes. First 3 pages describe the dumpster fire spvp has turned into now.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> Needs fixing immediately:

> Boon uptimes in general

> Ranger: Greatsword 4-5 should be fixed (not rework, only needs number changes tbh) and "random" pet cc should be deleted. Also longbow range should be fixed.

> Revenant: Riposting Shadows, which is an evade, gives more evade, lol. Moreover, you still have staff 3-5 and sword 3. This nearly fills the gap between 2 glint heals.

> Druid, Chronomancer, Renegade, Core Engineer: They are very clunky to play.


> Almost broken but not quite there yet:

> Warrior: Bull's Charge should be fixed. Second is Magebane Tether.

> Sword/Pistol Thief: Pistol Whip's damage should be more conditional. Like, nerf it 50% and it could do 50% more damage to disabled targets. Resulting in what, 75% of its current damage, best case? Also, since it's an evade, quickness should not affect it.

> Fire Weaver: It's not exactly one skill, but weaver is so strong in general. It should be toned down.

> Core mesmer: This oneshot build should not even be a thing. My worst choice in this game was putting this build on Metabattle. Also, bring back glamour trait.


> Relatively lower priority changes:

> Power Mesmer: Buff sustained damage and nerf burst damage. Fix greatsword, tywm.


> Maybe I'll edit this later.


Might gen and raw damage on gs2 for mesmers should be diminshed, but it should have its cd reduced, along with gs3 and gs4.

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@"Terrorhuz.4695" raw dmg on gs2 is not all that good, just mesmers go full glass, and the skill itself stacks might and vulnerability.

its also "ranged" skill but reality is thats its melee skill that gets more and more unreliable the more people there are. The dmg reduction per bounce is a good change.

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My biggest complaint is that Anet spent the past year and a half nerfing Core Mesmer, Chronomancer, and Mirage to the point that the Feb. 2020 patch was able to obliterate Mesmer into irrelevancy. Its been over 6 months since this happened and all we've received is a reversion on Illusionary Persona for Chronomancer. Although this was definitely a good change, it doesn't do enough to make Chronomancer worth taking over other classes. On a more general note, the current meta in regard to spvp and small-scale WvW just isn't all that fun to me. Easy to play classes are yielding far better results than are warranted for the effort required to play them. Condi-Rev, Reaper, Core-Necro, Condi-Thief, Burn-Guard, Holosmith, and Auramancer are some of the worst offenders here.

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Game deserved to be dropped by ESL, deserved to bleed players, deserves it's low viewership, and A-net deserves any money lost in this sink hole when they adhered to some archaic notion of "5v5 team based game; cuz it's 2012 things like DoTA and LOL were big, and we can make an esport too! Except we gonna try and condense it down into bite sized 15 min bits!" Except then never EVER realized how shallow their game design was in comparison to what made the moba's so compelling and fun to play; and refused to change. (This was made blatantly obvious when Strong Hold came out.) Then at the same time creating something so visually cluttered, that makes it impossible for anyone who isn't already in the scene to give a flying F about. Compare that to random people watching something as complex as starcraft, whom even though they don't understand the game, can gleam through basic inference to discern what is going on, and what each individual asset is capable of doing.


For YEARS A-net pretends they know they they are doing, with a ton of double standards reflected in class favortism or neglect (lookin at you karl). And personally my last straw was when CMC essentially said "Not every patch is gonna be good, not every change is going to be healthy; _but it's okay we'll get em next time._" To bad not being aware enough that even without covid "Next time" is 6 months to a year later, and in the same breath pretty much admitted to "being able to do 'true balance',~~ but it wouldn't be fun.~~" Like as if that's ever been tried with GW2, ~~and frankly it's not fun now~~, but what makes that statement funny is that in the same time span saying how "build diversity is the goal", while propping up old cele ele as some kind of standard. Which I don't know if I agree with that, but if everyone had the same kind of dynamic that involved the equality of sustain, damage, and situational options akin to old Cele ele, I'd be fine with that. But the bigger issue is that now we have LESS diversity ~~and true balance would actually give us more~~ and a lot of builds are at best "in progress" of that goal, with a bunch of apex predators... Left alone months later. Which wouldn't be a problem **if that wasn't literally the status quo of the past 8 years**, into a fully released game, with 2 expansions, and a 3rd on the way.


Plus I don't even know how you make a standard like "old cele ele" work in 5v5 conquest and it not be terrible. The meta at the time was 4 cele ele and a utility or damage slot, which just makes conquest even worse; and it's crap like this that makes me think GW2 could have MAYBE been something if it tried a fighting game formula instead. That also would have reflected better in players attitudes and toxicity given how individual players react to their own personal merit and deaths, and would be able to 'rate' on their own personal merits.

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The whole setup of how the initialization of matches work pains me. No body likes waiting for the next match. Why not have an overflow match while you wait for your next ranked game to pop. The arena doesn't cut it for me.


When you que up for a ranked or unranked game you should automatically be placed into a match while you wait. It does not have to be even or fair but let people still fight in a team death match environment 5v5 while they wait. Swapping builds would be allowed. Have the matches be completely random and when you kill someone you have a chance for a bag to drop like wvw if you participated in the kill. 3 second respawn timer so its not to punishing to die. For this to be fair people who are teamed up when they que could be split a part during the overflow fight but back together when their match came up. People would be popping in and out so it would be ever changing. No damage would be taken when in the spawn camp but as soon as you left the camp you may not reenter unless you are killed.


I feel this would help people not only learn their current builds but also inspire them to try new things with a test build. Not to mention it may help with the afk problem I seem to run into most nights.

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