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Can't get into other MMOs after GW2

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I dont even try cause i know i cant. Ive looked into all the MMOS that id be interested in on the market and they all fall short compared to what this one has.


Theres two exceptions and im not sure if they count. WOT and WOWSPs, but honestly...when this game dies, ill be done with MMOS.

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For me it was the other way around: before GW1 I thought I wouldn't be able to play an MMO because I couldn't play enough to make any progress with all the grinding required, or to justify paying a subscription. Also the time I did have was (and is) unpredictable so I couldn't be online at the same time every day to meet people in-game and get to know them, but that issue has been mostly solved with features which are now pretty much universal, like guild chat and friends lists which mean you don't have to be in the same place at the same time to find someone.


I do play Elder Scrolls Online, but I went into that knowing I'd never be able to keep up with most people and with no expectation that I'd be doing end-game content. I got it in 2015 and my main character got to CP160 in 2019. If they hadn't stopped increasing the cap I'd probably never have reached it. But I like the Elder Scrolls games and I'd played the betas so I knew there would be enough stuff I could do that it wouldn't be an issue (once they made the subscription optional). It just means whenever someone starts going on about which dungeon sets I "need" and how it should only take me 10-15 runs or whatever to get them I just smile and nod and then carry on with my crafted gear.

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I quit GW2 years ago and gave my account to my wife so she could raid more. In september 2019 I decide I wanted to start playing again and picked up a fresh account. Within a week I had leveled up a character and had it gear in exotic (without tomes or BL level up items). Which allowed me to get into all the end game stuff with the exception of fractals which require infusions to progress.


I don't know any other game that will let you start from scratch and allow you to be able to enjoy all the same endgame content as everyone else within a week. Within a month I had ascended trinkets and weapons, and get ascended armor through raids. I now have 2 toons with full ascended gear and working on another. It's what I love about this game. You can stop playing, come back and carry-on along side everyone else without being left behind.

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I agree.

But in my case, the other MMO's I have played are War games, like Combat Arms, Command & Conquer, etc...


Now RPGs though, I occasionally take a break from GW2 to play others, such as Final Fantasy, (Played most of them) but always find myself getting bored really quick with them and comeback to GW2.


FFVII and FFXII have a great story, I must admit. FFXII has a pretty decent gambit system... but does has its flaws.

FFX2 is really fun to play, using dress spheres system, but the story is meh.


The only other RPG MMO I play is GW1, but even then, it's only for a couple of hours.


To me, GW2 is the best MMORPG I have ever played... without a shadow of doubt.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > Ive looked into all the MMOS that id be interested in on the market and they all fall short compared to what this one has.


> Except for better stories and deeper RPG immersion...


I get plenty of RP immersion, but sure, whatever you say. I guess everyone has different ideas on what rpg immersion is. No MMO will ever reach KOTOR or NWN levels of RPG/Story levels, so i dont put alot of weight on that, and honestly i throw out 90% of the story in most MMOS id o RP in.

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I play gw2 and eso. (and a bit of bdo but can't really get into it) I love them for different reasons. I play gw2 when I want to do group activities and fast fights and random collections or lots of available things to do. I play eso when I want a more quiet time doing quests solo, slower fights, more interesting stories in quests and stuff like that.

Gw2:groups and quick action.

Eso:solo and a slower pace.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> Anyone else finding it difficult to get into other MMOs after playing Guild Wars 2? I tried to get into ESO, but I like being able to get into PvP right away. Moreover, the lack of grind in GW2 makes me appreciate it over any other MMORPG. I just can't play any other MMO now.


It's true until it isn't, but for now?


I also tried ESO, and while it seems like a really solid game, the combat and movement felt very floaty and imprecise to me. I also disliked the resource management mechanic utilizing slow, charged attacks interspersed with bursts of activity. It just made the combat feel really off to me and I couldn't get into it.


I tried FFXIV and it seemed absolutely awful. The intro was as generic as it gets! They literally start you off on a ship sailing to "adventure" and when you get there you run errands all over town for an hour before you finally venture out into the countryside to...kill 10 of these, then 10 of those, while searching for Old Man's socks. Barf! Everyone told me it gets a lot better later on, which is fair and can definitely be said about this game as well. But I never made it because of the colossal GCD on skills! I'm afraid that is just a deal-breaker for me.


I did BnS. Great combat system! Felt like a fighting game and it's the only one I've tried that would give GW2 combat a run for its money. But otherwise the game seemed like complete garbage. There seemed to be only one story arc that you were forced to play through it on every character and it's as generic a story as FFXIV's intro!


WoW, of course. It's a hot mess. I heard they're going to overhaul it, but when I tried it there was no coherence to leveling. No personal story and you level so quickly through the zones that you never learn what's going on anywhere because you're too busy killing 10 of these and then 10 of those and so on. It's just a huge grind to level 120. Worse, the combat feels pretty much exactly the same as it did 15 years ago! Long GCDs, channels, low mobility, no active avoidance, passive, passive, passive. It's just really dated at this point and all it has going for it is the massive amount of content they put out.


I need to give BDO a try. I got as far as downloading it and creating a character. Beautiful character models. You could waste a lot of time in their character manager with its impressive array of options. But as of yet I have no feel for the combat or anything else that might be relevant to a comparison.


So, yeah, I do find it difficult. This game is far from perfect, but there are a lot of things to love about it, too. I'm sure I could learn to appreciate some of these other games if I were willing to put in the time and overlook their shortcomings the way I do for GW2. But why do that when I could play GW2?


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Tried almost all mmorpg when I 'hit the brick wall' in gw2, big names to smaller names wow ffxiv archeage black desert b&s etc etc

Played all those games long enough to atleast finish the stories but I always found my self at the back of my mind thinking about gw2 whilst playing other games. This just says it all I had to come back


Ever since then its pushed me to do new things I never used to in game like ranked pvp, wvw organized, raids and fractals cms

Now, I feel like there isnt enough time to play - as in I'm still playing 2-3 hrs a day on weekdays but feel like I need more time to do the things I want to do

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What colour is the grass when you are actually standing on that side? :wink:


Yup ... as much as people want to dump on GW2 ... it's a good game and it's hard to break away from.


> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> GW2 is my last MMO, if i leave im done, my "alternative" for gw2 is basically offline games like Hearts of Iron IV and older RTS games, i still play Total Anihilation! lolz.


Yeah, to bad paradox ruined the research system and unit hierarchy in HOI4.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > Anyone else finding it difficult to get into other MMOs after playing Guild Wars 2? I tried to get into ESO, but I like being able to get into PvP right away. Moreover, the lack of grind in GW2 makes me appreciate it over any other MMORPG. I just can't play any other MMO now.


> It's true until it isn't, but for now?


> I also tried ESO, and while it seems like a really solid game, the combat and movement felt very floaty and imprecise to me. I also disliked the resource management mechanic utilizing slow, charged attacks interspersed with bursts of activity. It just made the combat feel really off to me and I couldn't get into it.


> I tried FFXIV and it seemed absolutely awful. The intro was as generic as it gets! They literally start you off on a ship sailing to "adventure" and when you get there you run errands all over town for an hour before you finally venture out into the countryside to...kill 10 of these, then 10 of those, while searching for Old Man's socks. Barf! Everyone told me it gets a lot better later on, which is fair and can definitely be said about this game as well. But I never made it because of the colossal GCD on skills! I'm afraid that is just a deal-breaker for me.


> I did BnS. Great combat system! Felt like a fighting game and it's the only one I've tried that would give GW2 combat a run for its money. But otherwise the game seemed like complete garbage. There seemed to be only one story arc that you were forced to play through it on every character and it's as generic a story as FFXIV's intro!


> WoW, of course. It's a hot mess. I heard they're going to overhaul it, but when I tried it there was no coherence to leveling. No personal story and you level so quickly through the zones that you never learn what's going on anywhere because you're too busy killing 10 of these and then 10 of those and so on. It's just a huge grind to level 120. Worse, the combat feels pretty much exactly the same as it did 15 years ago! Long GCDs, channels, low mobility, no active avoidance, passive, passive, passive. It's just really dated at this point and all it has going for it is the massive amount of content they put out.


> I need to give BDO a try. I got as far as downloading it and creating a character. Beautiful character models. You could waste a lot of time in their character manager with its impressive array of options. But as of yet I have no feel for the combat or anything else that might be relevant to a comparison.


> So, yeah, I do find it difficult. This game is far from perfect, but there are a lot of things to love about it, too. I'm sure I could learn to appreciate some of these other games if I were willing to put in the time and overlook their shortcomings the way I do for GW2. But why do that when I could play GW2?



To be honest BDO has ultimately the same problem as BnS. The combat is fantastic and the game itself is gorgeous and.... that's it. The story is generic and terrible. The enemies you fight early in the game have essentially no AI at all and just stand there auto-attacking while you hit them, making the great combat meaningless, and the trek to a meaningful level so you can get to the world PvP that is the best part of the game is a slog... and it's very Pay to Win.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > Ive looked into all the MMOS that id be interested in on the market and they all fall short compared to what this one has.


> Except for better stories and deeper RPG immersion...


I find very few gams have better RPG immersion to me than this one. Because I don't like the quest hub system found in most MMOs. It completely takes me out of the game.

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I have been trying for years to capture the same experience i had in Dark Age Of Camelot. I have not been able to find it, not even in GW2 but i do like GW2. I keep flip flopping between a few MMORPGs. I get kinda bored real easy now and that is due to being so far behind everyone usually and then i switch again to another game haha. I would have to say my second favorite behind dark age would be Star Wars TOR. I still play it off and on also.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> What colour is the grass when you are actually standing on that side? :wink:


> Yup ... as much as people want to dump on GW2 ... it's a good game and it's hard to break away from.


> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > GW2 is my last MMO, if i leave im done, my "alternative" for gw2 is basically offline games like Hearts of Iron IV and older RTS games, i still play Total Anihilation! lolz.


> Yeah, to bad paradox ruined the research system and unit hierarchy in HOI4.


It is a good game. On second thought, I'll call it a _great_ game. But ANet has the consistency of a drunk guy throwing darts. The game also suffers from a chronic lack of development support.





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> @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > > Anyone else finding it difficult to get into other MMOs after playing Guild Wars 2? I tried to get into ESO, but I like being able to get into PvP right away. Moreover, the lack of grind in GW2 makes me appreciate it over any other MMORPG. I just can't play any other MMO now.

> >

> > It's true until it isn't, but for now?

> >

> > I also tried ESO, and while it seems like a really solid game, the combat and movement felt very floaty and imprecise to me. I also disliked the resource management mechanic utilizing slow, charged attacks interspersed with bursts of activity. It just made the combat feel really off to me and I couldn't get into it.

> >

> > I tried FFXIV and it seemed absolutely awful. The intro was as generic as it gets! They literally start you off on a ship sailing to "adventure" and when you get there you run errands all over town for an hour before you finally venture out into the countryside to...kill 10 of these, then 10 of those, while searching for Old Man's socks. Barf! Everyone told me it gets a lot better later on, which is fair and can definitely be said about this game as well. But I never made it because of the colossal GCD on skills! I'm afraid that is just a deal-breaker for me.

> >

> > I did BnS. Great combat system! Felt like a fighting game and it's the only one I've tried that would give GW2 combat a run for its money. But otherwise the game seemed like complete garbage. There seemed to be only one story arc that you were forced to play through it on every character and it's as generic a story as FFXIV's intro!

> >

> > WoW, of course. It's a hot mess. I heard they're going to overhaul it, but when I tried it there was no coherence to leveling. No personal story and you level so quickly through the zones that you never learn what's going on anywhere because you're too busy killing 10 of these and then 10 of those and so on. It's just a huge grind to level 120. Worse, the combat feels pretty much exactly the same as it did 15 years ago! Long GCDs, channels, low mobility, no active avoidance, passive, passive, passive. It's just really dated at this point and all it has going for it is the massive amount of content they put out.

> >

> > I need to give BDO a try. I got as far as downloading it and creating a character. Beautiful character models. You could waste a lot of time in their character manager with its impressive array of options. But as of yet I have no feel for the combat or anything else that might be relevant to a comparison.

> >

> > So, yeah, I do find it difficult. This game is far from perfect, but there are a lot of things to love about it, too. I'm sure I could learn to appreciate some of these other games if I were willing to put in the time and overlook their shortcomings the way I do for GW2. But why do that when I could play GW2?

> >


> To be honest BDO has ultimately the same problem as BnS. The combat is fantastic and the game itself is gorgeous and.... that's it. The story is generic and terrible. The enemies you fight early in the game have essentially no AI at all and just stand there auto-attacking while you hit them, making the great combat meaningless, and the trek to a meaningful level so you can get to the world PvP that is the best part of the game is a slog... and it's very Pay to Win.


Ahh, that's disappointing. I really did enjoy the combat in BnS. But I thought how nice it would have been if the rest of the game would just go away...

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