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I like Warclaw on builds that don't self pulse swiftness and don't have increased movement speed from traits.


Also highly unlikely that Anet will willingly remove Warclaws and any prospect of making money off them through skins.


They could make them into PvE mounts with another long dreary collection I guess.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> Currently, the warclaw has been nerfed to be pathetic useless.



Really? I haven't been playing for the past week or so. I'm guessing if I logged into WvW right now I wouldn't see a single warclaw right? I mean who would nerf themselves by using something so pathetic and useless.

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> @"Doug.4930" said:

> > @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > Currently, the warclaw has been nerfed to be pathetic useless.

> >


> Really? I haven't been playing for the past week or so. I'm guessing if I logged into WvW right now I wouldn't see a single warclaw right? I mean who would nerf themselves by using something so pathetic and useless.


A lot of classes like thief with SB, ranger with GS, warrior with GS or MH-SW ... are much faster than a warclaw.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"Doug.4930" said:

> > > @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > > Currently, the warclaw has been nerfed to be pathetic useless.

> > >

> >

> > Really? I haven't been playing for the past week or so. I'm guessing if I logged into WvW right now I wouldn't see a single warclaw right? I mean who would nerf themselves by using something so pathetic and useless.


> A lot of classes like thief with SB, ranger with GS, warrior with GS or MH-SW ... are much faster than a warclaw


Really? Do those classes get that movement speed for free? Or do they need to sacrifice utility skills and weapon skills? Tell me do those classes also get CC immunity and an extra 8k worth of hit points for free too?

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Nothing is **much** faster on foot. Some might be able to keep up as long ooc and when burning through multiple cds, but why would anyone do that? The mount is by far the safest, most convenient and - for most players - also the fastest way of travelling arround. The fact that pretty much everyone, who has access to the mount - even those with mobile builds and those who don't like the mount (myself included) - uses it, shows that pretty clearly.


It is also very uninteractive, boring and imbalanced and i'd love if it would get removed from WvW completely, unfortunately that's never going to happen. But there is still room for further nerfs ...

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I will happily repeat myself on this matter: Warclaw unifies speed across classes, removing the urge of some players to swap out a utility skill for a walkspeed signet and making it easier for zergs to stay close, without constantly losing players who slack behind and don't get the speed fields from guardians.


Also, really bad style in your poll: you give the two options in text


> 1. It doesn't really matter: leave it as it is or remove it

> 2. Give it speed


then you don't give the option to just leave it as it is (which I would have voted). This is called a leading question and makes this poll basically worthless.

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cannot vote here...


first u cannot just remove it, we paid gold and time (okay only bc of the huge queues at its release) for it. also ppl are kinda used to it, the mistake was that it was brought into Wvw initially, it is however no mistake that can be corrected.


second, speed doesn't fix it. it should rather be more bulky and get more skills and more utility.

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Players from Guild That own X keep will have access to 1-3-5(depending lvl of the strucutre) warclaw mounts to be used. (remove the idiotic fiery transmogriffer from fire keep in excehnge to warclaw for example).

Players while in Warclaw, will boost morale speed for its alies, will allow more +5 supply

When arpoon is pulling gates, theres a small chance to get cracked effect, wich creates extra damage every 3 pulls, and bleed to anemies near that gate.

Players can use their supply on warclaw to provide more pulls, like a ammo system.

Extra skill that will burn gates and anemies close to it.


Since warclaw as become a unique mount system, players will have to fight over the structure that givers that bonus, warclow would have to be buffed to be similiar in sturdiness of a siege golem or something arround that.


This way will keep it and remove it at same time.

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Decided to no vote, because I can't get behind both options.


I wish the Warclaw had some tactical value you can chose to have (only one can be active at a time) by talking to the trainer at the spawn point, e.g.:

Supply Render - Unlocks another skill (use Mantra mechanic, that will go on a cool down when triggered), that when used will "steal" supply from a player, a dolly or a placeable siege you hit, up to your max supply capacity. The tactical value of this is having a source of supply outside of a camp, when you roam alone or in a two man team. Those could set up siege to attack something a lot easier, that would contest towers and keeps more often (weakening them over time) and forcing defenders to come out at hunt the supply stealing roamer.

Gate crasher - Do double damage with your chain pulls, but only until the gate reaches 50% structural integrity. (The skill goes on cool down, if attached to chain that hits a gate with less than 50%). The tactical value would be that you have another "wear down" attack on stronger towers and keeps, so defenders need to tend to them and go out and hunt the roamers weakening the gates.

Hungry Stride - Move faster again, but at the cost of spending supply to feed your warclaw, while this skill is active. There will be a tactical decision to be able to roam faster (or move an army faster) at the expense of supply, you might not have at the destination to build attacking siege.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"NuhDah.9812" said:

> > There are some blind people playing this game if they can't see all the benefits the warclaw provides.

> Being able to load up enemies on condi they cant cleanse and then instantly pull + moa as they dismount is definetly a benefit for me, hah.


video or it never happened, lol

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This is an absolute joke ! Another poll for warclaw . It' fine the way it is . It's not overly powerful or overly fast and it allows people access through a gate polluted with CCs to defend a structure that is under siege .

If it was so unpopular then why is EVERYONE using it. If you don't like it don't use it . Simple .

Enough with the stupid warclaw polls .

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> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> If it was so unpopular then why is EVERYONE using it. If you don't like it don't use it . Simple .

> Enough with the stupid warclaw polls .


Not using the warclaw does not stop other players from using it. Unmounted players are at a huge disadvantage against mounted players, so there is not much choice but to use it and if it is just for that single lousy dismount attempt.

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Keep it as it is. It was too fast before to the point that builds that relied on mobility were pointless, now they still have a purpose and warclaw fits it's niche of allowing slow classes to keep up with the zerg. I could see an argument for reducing it's health (or at least removing the interaction with dura runes) but otherwise it feels in a good place.

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The thing I don't like about the warclaw is the dash. When you're on the warclaw, it feels horrible and clunky. You mostly use it as a speed boost and I think it's most the reason people feel it's slow because you leap against an invisible wall all the time. It feels like something that was nerfed and I don't even know whether it was or it was always like that. From the other perspective, it's an evade every few seconds and the warclaw is like anti PvP enabler. Unless you're caught by a zerg or you meet one of the very few people with the lance, then you are pretty much invincible on the warclaw. Re-inforcements can get the location, no problem. Want to just ride past and ignore enemies outside your location, no problem. Reeee go away with this fighting, I just want to zerg, no problem. Honestly, I think at times they should rename it the wimpclaw.


For the topic though, I'd like the dash removed, replaced with a leap forward which functions like the springer jump (you stop and power a jump) and the base speed brought up to compensate that. Then maybe it would be feel better, without making an actual difference to getting about.

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I want to be able to fight while mounted.

I also wish all the rest of the mount can be use in WvW

And i would like to have Mount Skin drop in WvW whenever we capture a keep :D

also would like to have bag spaces on the mount so i do not need to clear my bag so much.

Dancing mount should be nice too.

I would venture to say this, let me pick up a friend on my mount


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> @"NuhDah.9812" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"NuhDah.9812" said:

> > > There are some blind people playing this game if they can't see all the benefits the warclaw provides.

> > Being able to load up enemies on condi they cant cleanse and then instantly pull + moa as they dismount is definetly a benefit for me, hah.


> video or it never happened, lol


Hell I do this all the time. Its great when you can load em up, they dismount and as they dismount, you knock them down and load em up more xD

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