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Is there a future for GW2 ?

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Somewhat I think recently not I mean certainly we will get the next add-on and maybe a living story after this but then I'm not even sure I want to play it after this even.


I see so many cracks happening in this game where it falls apart and discourage the player(s) and I play a lot of game modes.


Open World => Population on some maps/meta is so tin you can't do them any more and the new map(s) have insane long meta.


PvP => Too much cooking too less straight forward balancing in 2 years I played 6-7 builds/classes which are all nerfed to the ground so much they became unplayable in a competitive way. No player wants to play a gamemode where you let go tomorrow of your favourite class and repeat over and over. Also nobody who is smart wants to share his builds any more in this mode because of all this.


WvW=> So far I heard on the US side the mode is already in some kind of dead state. From its inception I can tell the game mode in community driven at least this was came out by doing it by server. This is not how it is any more guilds doing their 'thing' this can be GvG on a map with queue , or on T1/T2 you have only guilds which run at headstart also we have a lot less commanders which are willing to run with randoms in general. On top of this is the whole over stacking on an empty server.


Some might say this is a good thing but when you take a step away you see how self destructive and toxic this is. Sure this is the community but Arena.NET does his part too by adding invisible commanders and forcing the meta getting tighter with every nerf e.g we are forced to run with 2 healers in a group and not giving the mode any clear target to work towards.


Fractals=> I'm getting worried with the every increasing difficulty of the new fractals which are increased in a very artificial way e.g Sirens Reef with the chill condis which makes the mechanic unplayable(if you don't have enough condi clear/dps) . The new fractal Sunqua Peak in 100 cm has way too much need for CC and the light effects make in partial impossible to play it right. There are also some tension between people who just want to farm it and who wants to start playing it but the more obscured the content is the harder it will be to get in .


Raids => New content ? Also the have smiler tension problems like fractal only a bit worse.


In general the problem is there is no vision how Arena.NET wants to continue in the the different modes at least not without the feeling it being a cheap solution at the moment. The other tendency is people withdraw into their guilds more and more unlike when I started this game where everything was open except maybe PvE raids.



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Na, no more episodes no more expansions. No future at all. It's free where FF14 WoW have issues too and the bonus of 180 a year to play and eso optional one but if you think gw2 is boring or w/e imagine every dungeon wb etc being exactly the same format every expansion. So yeah GW2 has a future. The question is more are you going to play gw2 in the future and only you can answer that but of course most likely yes

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With arenanet I always have the feeling that they themselves do not really know what they are doing ^^.

i had a lot of fun with GW2 and loved HOT. But since I joined the game, I noticed that Anet is very fickle. Things are buffed, things are nerved, partly in this order. Things are changed, then changed again and then things that had a big playerbase are simply ignored and even declared dead.

GW2 is a great game, but I understand your point. I have the feeling that Anet is getting in the way of itself.


It is far from dead. But it's also far from a game that has a chance to rise higher than the last quarter numbers. With the 3rd Addon there will be a little boost, maybe.

A 3rd addon will not magically revive the game. Unless they make it completely independent of HOT and POF, which is impossible.


Personally I have lost a lot of nice people with POF and lost the desire to play. And even now that I've started over, I'm losing more and more interest because of mounts and exaggeratedly high DMGs that mobs weren't made for.


In the end none of us can see into the future. And you should take what you get, beacuse it is just a game :).


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I think your critiques are definitely valid, but I'm still having a pretty good time! Also seems like there are plans for new content on the horizon.


Does the game have problems? Yes.

Does the game have a future? Sure.

Am I having fun now? Yep.


I see why you may be concerned because an MMO can sometimes feel like an investment and you don't want it to one day go "poof". But no one can read the future and everything comes to an end eventually, let's just hope it isn't for a while. The important thing is that you enjoy playing GW2 now. Don't take it too seriously. It is a game after all.

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The reason Open World content seems sparsely populated is that there are so many maps to choose from.


When PoF opened up, I could hardly get some HoT events completed because everyone was drawn to the new shiny. With every new chapter and new expansions uncovering parts of the world, the same numbers of people are spread out even further.

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Depends on your definition of future.

Will we be playing GW2 in 20 years? Probably not.

Will we be playing it in 3 years? I most likely will.


The upcoming expansion will bring a spike of new players/returning players like the HoT and PoF did, but after that, I doubt anyone here caan say what will come. I assume that, with the influx of new players from EoD, we will get at least one more Season of living world, maybe even a second. So we're looking at 3-5 years at least of content releases if things go as planned.

On the other hand, things might not work out as planned or NCSoft decides to turn the lights out because not enough money is made. We don't know.


I think best you can do is play the game if you like how the game plays, if you don't, you might want to try ouit something different. If you think too long about wether or not a game will be around ten years from now you might miss out on ten years of great gaming.

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> It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence, to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: "And this, too, shall pass away." How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction!


GW2 doesnt have the eternal life, but it is far from death. People always have had concerns and it is primarly cause the current course isn't yours. I do think it is why Arenanet is doing a good job here. They do not try to cather everyone at once as it is impossible , but they try to add things for most.


I also know they take time to adjust any serious issues like old meta's not being done. It takes time to solve it, but I have no doubt it will.

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WvW seems to be dead since forever. I just don't know who the kitten is responsible for those queues.


Also many of these cracks in the game as you call them are your personal preference, not overall problems. Some might even call them improvements.


I always say that the last thing developers need to listen to are the players. Because you will get contradicting responses and many people that are actually on the forums are just 24/7 complainers. Just look at all the complaints about a button placement from the last patch. If you are a capable developer, develop the game as you see fit because that is your expertise.

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Nowadays things are so much more optimistic than they were 1 or 2 years ago. Many were disappointed with the launch of the icebrood saga and believed that the game was over, not only that, but key team names left the company in a short timespam.


Today the situation is the opposite, I feel that I cannot follow all the content launched.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> In general the problem is there is no vision how Arena.NET wants to continue in the the different modes at least not without the feeling it being a cheap solution at the moment. The other tendency is people withdraw into their guilds more and more unlike when I started this game where everything was open except maybe PvE raids.


Your problem is that you believe there are a lot of "game modes". There isn't much happening other than living world episodes in the game, a fractal release after 2 years, raids dead, WVW promised features delayed forever, PVP barely gets any updates. Stop treating the game as a collection of separate game modes and enjoy what it offers, otherwise you can search for another game that does a particular "game mode" better.

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I think the proliferation of vaporware announcements are starting to show the cracks at the studio. I would also like to point out there is no official word on who is actually running the studio, both mikes have been gone for over a year. Been watching a youtube series called wat happuned and I see alot of parallels with arena net.

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Open World: Doesn't matter which Meta I would want to run, I can mostly all the time find a map that runs it. be it HoT, PoF, LS, Icebrood, there are maps out there. However often you're put on an overflow map, and a simple LFG shows more active maps.

Never had issues running a specific meta.

Only Drizzlewood Coast I find the Meta way too long. That's 1 map.


PvP: No comment, I don't PvP... like... ever.


WvW: I am on a server that is mostly in t1, t2 NA. I run classes that are supposed to be "hated" by commanders. Yet I am almost always invited, and hardly ever refused or chased off if I join the group but stay outside squad. Some hours it's quiet, but there are plenty of hours where I look at 3/4 maps in Queue. So no, false statement: WvW is not dead. Ignored by Anet? yes, dead? Nope.


Fractals, Raids and Dungeons indeed could use some love, but all modes (less for Dungeons) have a healthy player base that does them on a daily base.


I don't know where you get your numbers from, but they do not reflect my experiences at all. Quite the opposite.

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Back when ascended gear was added, the game was declared dead.

Back when living world season 1 ended and the shift to season 2 was made from a temporary system to a permanent story system, the game was declared dead.

Back when there was months of no content before HoT was announced, the game was declared dead.

Back when dungeons were discontinued, the game was declared dead.

Back when raids were announced, the game was declared dead.

Back when HoT launched and a lot of players were hit by the initial difficulty, the game was declared dead.

Back when fractals were reworked the first time with HoT, the game was declared dead.

Back when there was huge content gaps during living world season 3 of 3 months in-between episodes, the game was declared dead.

Back when PoF was released and players got bored very fast, the game was declared dead.

Back when there was huge content gaps during living world season 4 of 3-4 months in-between episodes, the game was declared dead.


All of those were during massive changes the game has seen. Many of those points were far more drastic or left the game with far longer content gaps especially for PvE compared to now. Many of those times were not accompanied with an announcement about a next expansion coming up. Going by people's declarations for GW2 future, the game has been dead hundreds of times.


Don't worry though, we will have doom and gloom threads next week again, and the week after, and the week after that. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a doom and gloom thread right 1 day after EoD launches, maybe titled:"Well the expansion is out, that's it for GW2." Here's the deal, yes some day the game will end and who ever makes the last doom and gloom thread will have called it correctly. Until then: play the game if you enjoy it, or take a break/quit if you do not and stop worrying about things which you have absolutely 0 influence on.


EDIT: and just so I am not misunderstood, I agree there are a lot of areas which need attention. This is no white knighting for anet about how great of a job they are doing. All I'm saying is: as a GW2 vet from 3 days early access, the game has been in a far worse state, in relation to PvE, in the past and even back then none of the doom and gloom threads did anything in the way of helping.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Back when ascended gear was added, the game was declared dead.

> Back when living world season 1 ended and the shift to season 2 was made from a temporary system to a permanent story system, the game was declared dead.

> Back when there was months of no content before HoT was announced, the game was declared dead.

> **Back when dungeons were discontinued, the game was declared dead.**

> Back when raids were announced, the game was declared dead.

> Back when HoT launched and a lot of players were hit by the initial difficulty, the game was declared dead.

> **Back when dungeons were discontinued, the game was declared dead.**

> Back when fractals were reworked the first time with HoT, the game was declared dead.

> Back when there was huge content gaps during living world season 3 of 3 months in-between episodes, the game was declared dead.

> Back when PoF was released and players got bored very fast, the game was declared dead.

> Back when there was huge content gaps during living world season 4 of 3-4 months in-between episodes, the game was declared dead.


> All of those were during massive changes the game has seen. Many of those points were far more drastic or left the game with far longer content gaps especially for PvE compared to now. Many of those times were not accompanied with an announcement about a next expansion coming up. Going by people's declarations for GW2 future, the game has been dead hundreds of times.


> Don't worry though, we will have doom and gloom threads next week again, and the week after, and the week after that. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a doom and gloom thread right 1 day after EoD launches, maybe titled:"Well the expansion is out, that's it for GW2." Here's the deal, yes some day the game will end and who ever makes the last doom and gloom thread will have called it correctly. Until then: play the game if you enjoy it, or take a break/quit if you do not and stop worrying about things which you have absolutely 0 influence on.


> EDIT: and just so I am not misunderstood, I agree there are a lot of areas which need attention. This is no white knighting for anet about how great of a job they are doing. All I'm saying is: as a GW2 vet from 3 days early access, the game has been in a far worse state, in relation to PvE, in the past and even back then none of the doom and gloom threads did anything in the way of helping.


You typed Back when dungeons were discontinued, the game was declared dead twice

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A more appropriate title would probably have been is "Is there a future for GW2 that I want?". Open world has generally been fine for me, although Drizzlewood Coast meta event is quite long and imo boring. Who knows if open world by itself could be enough to keep the game running and new content developed in the future? Time will tell the outcome, if Anet does decide to focus on this. I don't really care much about the other game modes personally though.

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Guild Wars 2 has been losing alot of people over the years, the team just doesnt seem to listen to players and that's a recipe for disaster for any game. Not to mention they refuse to fix so many bugs and instead waste their resources on Home Instance cats and toys for them...

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Back when ascended gear was added, the game was declared dead.

> > Back when living world season 1 ended and the shift to season 2 was made from a temporary system to a permanent story system, the game was declared dead.

> > Back when there was months of no content before HoT was announced, the game was declared dead.

> > **Back when dungeons were discontinued, the game was declared dead.**

> > Back when raids were announced, the game was declared dead.

> > Back when HoT launched and a lot of players were hit by the initial difficulty, the game was declared dead.

> > **Back when dungeons were discontinued, the game was declared dead.**

> > Back when fractals were reworked the first time with HoT, the game was declared dead.

> > Back when there was huge content gaps during living world season 3 of 3 months in-between episodes, the game was declared dead.

> > Back when PoF was released and players got bored very fast, the game was declared dead.

> > Back when there was huge content gaps during living world season 4 of 3-4 months in-between episodes, the game was declared dead.

> >

> > All of those were during massive changes the game has seen. Many of those points were far more drastic or left the game with far longer content gaps especially for PvE compared to now. Many of those times were not accompanied with an announcement about a next expansion coming up. Going by people's declarations for GW2 future, the game has been dead hundreds of times.

> >

> > Don't worry though, we will have doom and gloom threads next week again, and the week after, and the week after that. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a doom and gloom thread right 1 day after EoD launches, maybe titled:"Well the expansion is out, that's it for GW2." Here's the deal, yes some day the game will end and who ever makes the last doom and gloom thread will have called it correctly. Until then: play the game if you enjoy it, or take a break/quit if you do not and stop worrying about things which you have absolutely 0 influence on.

> >

> > EDIT: and just so I am not misunderstood, I agree there are a lot of areas which need attention. This is no white knighting for anet about how great of a job they are doing. All I'm saying is: as a GW2 vet from 3 days early access, the game has been in a far worse state, in relation to PvE, in the past and even back then none of the doom and gloom threads did anything in the way of helping.


> You typed Back when dungeons were discontinued, the game was declared dead twice


Thank you, I had moved that section to better fit the timeline, guess I forgot to remove it. Fixed.


> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > > @"Cuks.8241" said:

> > > I always say that the last thing developers need to listen to are the players.

> >

> > Um.. what?

> >


> Yea this make me remember **Dont you guys have phones??** line from that other company.


There is constructive feedback which is useful, and then there is the regular doom and gloom or even highly subjective opinion pieces which read along the lines of:"I want want want because I am the only one that matters."


Most of the forum posts on the subject matter fall into the second category and can be ignored by developers.


The healthy middleground lies in having the studio stick to its vision while trying to incorporate as many player wishes as possible, without sacrificing to much of either. Even then, sometimes taking a risk against all odds, and often player wishes, is necessary to succeed. As evidenced by some of the great games of the last few years, most of which would ot have been so unique if it was left to the average Joe who would have just wanted more of the same.


As to the quote you made, that has far more to do with marketting failure and selling something to the wrong audience, less with design failure. While I have no interest in a mobile Diablo, don't kid yourself. The decision to make one made absolute sense. Only the way this was approached and communicated was the core problem.

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