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Armor Repair Cost (back)

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Hey there,


I know, it's silly. But I would like to know that damaging my armor actually means something. I ask you to bring the Repair Armor cost back into the game.


At the moment I don't feel like damaging the armor means anything. It might be some RPer in me or something. But I would simply love if the blacksmiths weren't doing this for free. It has something to it. I think that even the 2-3 Silver cost that used to be in the game **actually means something**. If not to veterans, then to the new players.


Sincerely, thank you.

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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> Hey there,


> I know, it's silly. But I would like to know that damaging my armor actually means something. I ask you to bring the Repair Armor cost back into the game.


> At the moment I don't feel like damaging the armor means anything. It might be some RPer in me or something. But I would simply love if the blacksmiths weren't doing this for free. It has something to it. I think that even the 2-3 Silver cost that used to be in the game **actually means something**. If not to veterans, then to the new players.


> Sincerely, thank you.


If they add this then waypoints need to be free. Repair costs are basically just death or even play penalties. GW2 opted for waypoint costs instead. Every time you die, barring another player rezzing you, you must pay a waypoint fee to rez.

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There is a price already in the time you have to pay to visit the repair. Would prefer this not to come back. There are also other issues where you have WvW where you are always damaged. A few silver here and there doesn't sound bad but in WvW that stacks up quickly and you make little enough.

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If they have removed the cost of repair, just remove armor damage entirely. Turn all repair canisters into vendorable items, same with the repair contract (worth much more gold obv).


I'm not a huge fan of armor damage or anything, it was just something you accepted in WoW. You run around, got hit, had to repair. Did something dumb? Your dungeon/raid group stunk? You got a repair bill.


But having armor damage that is free to repair in GW2 is just odd, especially since it also gets repaired for free when you use a Mistlock, respawn at your starting waypoint in WvW, and I also believe if another player revives you?


No big deal ofc, just seems odd to have it in it's current state.


TLDR: Charge for repairs or remove armor damage completely. Plz pick one.

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> @"Raknar.4735" said:

> I don't think it is a good idea to reintroduce the repair cost.

> But if you want you can send out some silver to other players each time you have to repair gear, for RP's sake ;)


Reinstating is not a good idea, but it should never have been removed in the first place.

Death is meaningless now.

The only time death still has meaning is the resetting of fractal and raid bosses, now

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God no, i barely get gold in game as it is. This game isnt like wow where gold falls from the sky. For players that only log in to do some raids and dailies and new players that would be ridiculous. I have 28 gold total, i just went broke getting the griffon. This game play to reward ratio sucks, its like playing for pennies over here , compared to other games where its raining gold bullion.


I want to add i would never have done the griffon, if i hadnt got 2 dang griffon skins for a mount i didnt have from the licenses. I already payed the money so it would have been stupid to not go for the griffon. But honestly i wish they didnt give you skins to mounts you dont have.

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I remember a few pretty ugly dungeon runs when I started the game, including a "quick" CoE submarine run that took over 3 hours. We ended up with repair-costs for our armors, slightly below the reward money. Sometimes we were forced to abort the run, so we only had the repair costs. Especially as a newbie, this can be a bit demotivating. Back in that time-period, the costs scaled with player level.


As others pointed out, the waypoint-fee system works great as a penalty system without causing too much harm to the players. The costs can be lowered to an absolute minimum. But even if certain players drop like flies, they never lose a fortune.

A couple of weeks ago, I had an idea for an enhancement system - also with the intention to revive/re-purpose the blacksmiths again. Although the costs were removed, visiting the blacksmith still feels bad for a player. I am not a huge fan of punishing players in general. I'd rather work with incentives. Visit the blacksmith to improve your gameplay experience:


The current repair system would remain as it is. But in addition, we could also enhance our gear with a special durability buff at the smiths. Depending on our armor type, we are asked to pay with ingots/planks/cloths (value scaling with player level). Example: Level 80 warrior would have to pay 3 Orichalcum Ingots for the enhancement.


Enhanced durability would just reduce the damage your armor receives by X%. It would be nice to cut it in half. We could also scale the % with the amounts of ingots/planks/cloths you want to spend. Example: 20 % damage reduction = 1 ingot, 40 % = 2 ingots, ... 80% = 4 ingots, which would be the cap). So players could user their gear for an extended period of time before they have to return to a smith.


It does not even have to be the refined material, we could also use just the drops. After all, the blacksmiths are masters in their profession and should be able to work with those materials anyway.

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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> Hey there,


> I know, it's silly. But I would like to know that damaging my armor actually means something. I ask you to bring the Repair Armor cost back into the game.


> At the moment I don't feel like damaging the armor means anything. It might be some RPer in me or something. But I would simply love if the blacksmiths weren't doing this for free. It has something to it. I think that even the 2-3 Silver cost that used to be in the game **actually means something**. If not to veterans, then to the new players.


> Sincerely, thank you.


...lmfao that feeling when you know you are playing a very good game when such suggestions from OP as such which are imo an insignificantly small and trivial matter pop-up on forum: Not suggestions that the game needs a total new engine, server, patch, update, re-working! I do understand OP point-of-view, however I think this is of such small significance it is nothing but an extremely good compliment for Gw2.

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My only desire is to remove the obnoxious window when repairing, why can't I just press "f" and get a notice "your armor has been repaired" or ("you can repair armor here" when there's nothing to repair)?


I'd totally pay 5 silver per piece to repair, if in exchange I would get that UI QOL. :D

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> Honestly not for or against, it just wouldn't really matter to me. The repair amount was so small and trivial anyways, a single daily reward would let you repair all day without any trouble. So if they added it back, I honestly wouldn't notice any difference (And nope I'm not rich).


Heh ... I spend waaaay more on way point feeds bouncing around the world than I will ever spend on repairs.


> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> There is a price already in the time you have to pay to visit the repair. Would prefer this not to come back. There are also other issues where you have WvW where you are always damaged. A few silver here and there doesn't sound bad but in WvW that stacks up quickly and you make little enough.


Armor is auto-repaired when you are in the WvW maps' spawn area.


> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> My only desire is to remove the obnoxious window when repairing, why can't I just press "f" and get a notice "your armor has been repaired" or ("you can repair armor here" when there's nothing to repair)?


> I'd totally pay 5 silver per piece to repair, if in exchange I would get that UI QOL. :D


Why even have the dialog at all? Especially when dialogs interfere with the ability to interact with other stuff?

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> @"Richard Marcinko.5132" said:

> So by your logic then you must create a new toon every time you die, you know for the role player in you.... I spend enough just redoing my armor every time someone QQ's about my Mesmer and it gets nerfed again.



Totally off topic but this.

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