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Ok so I promised chat in sind his stream Id make a thread about it so people; prepare urselves.


Im rlly hating this meta right now and it's pretty much cus of 1 class in particular, somebody can guess which class? no? ok Ill just go ahead and say it; THIEF!


This core dp oneshot build is just ridiculously OP imo and im sure alot of ppl agree with me. The ability to pretty much perma stealth (thanks to that freakishly broken utility) and do huge burst makes it extremely hard to counter it. When you finally spot the thief they just restealth or if they're revealed they port away or daggerstorm and afterwards restealth (stealth on heal???!!!!).

Pistolwhip thief is also extremely annoying and way too strong but is now underrepresented just cus of the fact that dp is even stronger.


I know Anet wont be doing anything about it now cus of the big balance patch in the near future (I have extremely high hopes about it) but it's just so frustrating that Anet refuses to do some hotnerfs which could make this game's balance state alot more enjoyable.


Ofc I blame sind for all of this.


P.S. nerf weaver too

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I believe anet has been mostly about- “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mentally for hot fixes. But even then take the bug of staff they fixed- it seemed they totally worded it as if it was a positive fix and then increased initiative largely to pretend it was about balance- wth is going on here with thief balance, it seems like half the thief builds in the game are meta rn if u look from a certain point of view or role

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> most of the times I have time to react on my 0 toughtness 0 vitality mesmer

> I dont know in what world you get 1shot by backstab tbh


oneshotted is a bit of an overstatement but you rlly can't deny that the burst of dp thief is great and especially deadly cus it's pretty much instant from stealth.

Now I dont know which elo you play in since I can imagine gold or lower thieves are pretty bad but a good dp thief is just insane, especially against mesmers.

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> @"verskore.4312" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > most of the times I have time to react on my 0 toughtness 0 vitality mesmer

> > I dont know in what world you get 1shot by backstab tbh


> oneshotted is a bit of an overstatement but you rlly can't deny that the burst of dp thief is great and especially deadly cus it's pretty much instant from stealth.

> Now I dont know which elo you play in since I can imagine gold or lower thieves are pretty bad but a good dp thief is just insane, especially against mesmers.


IF I can blink/disort on glass canon mesmer against thief D/P then any other spec should never have issues.

just watch some streams, damage is not that insane, actual bruisers get hit for 4-5k tops.

D/P has same issues every single thief build in existance has, its too mobile and too fast in what it does, no more no less.

Damage is low, gs3 from warrior deals more damage then backstab does, just think about it.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"verskore.4312" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > most of the times I have time to react on my 0 toughtness 0 vitality mesmer

> > > I dont know in what world you get 1shot by backstab tbh

> >

> > oneshotted is a bit of an overstatement but you rlly can't deny that the burst of dp thief is great and especially deadly cus it's pretty much instant from stealth.

> > Now I dont know which elo you play in since I can imagine gold or lower thieves are pretty bad but a good dp thief is just insane, especially against mesmers.


> IF I can blink/disort on glass canon mesmer against thief D/P then any other spec should never have issues.

> just watch some streams, damage is not that insane, actual bruisers get hit for 4-5k tops.

> D/P has same issues every single thief build in existance has, its too mobile and too fast in what it does, no more no less.

> Damage is low, gs3 from warrior deals more damage then backstab does, just think about it.


gs3 is a lot easier to avoid so that’s not really a good comparison. My only issue with it is the low cooldown on smokescreen. For as strong as it is 20 sec is way too short.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:


> gs3 is a lot easier to avoid so that’s not really a good comparison. My only issue with it is the low cooldown on smokescreen. For as strong as it is 20 sec is way too short.


it is 25 seconds.


i think the cd is fine, as it only blocks projectiles, so many attacks can hit you from outside the ring.


you can gs3 through it and hit the thief for about 7k


it does not clear condi, does not break stun.


what is SO strong about it that it needs a longer cooldown?





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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:


> > gs3 is a lot easier to avoid so that’s not really a good comparison. My only issue with it is the low cooldown on smokescreen. For as strong as it is 20 sec is way too short.


> it is 25 seconds.


> i think the cd is fine, as it only blocks projectiles, so many attacks can hit you from outside the ring.


> you can gs3 through it and hit the thief for about 7k


> it does not clear condi, does not break stun.


> what is SO strong about it that it needs a longer cooldown?






20 seconds traited. It blocks projectiles, blinds, and is a long lasting smoke field for stealth stacking. You can cover downs for stomps, eliminate ranged pressure, drop it in a team fight for lots of blinds, stealth team, eliminate most melee pressure. Let me flip the question around, if it’s not that strong then why are people taking it?

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> >

> > > gs3 is a lot easier to avoid so that’s not really a good comparison. My only issue with it is the low cooldown on smokescreen. For as strong as it is 20 sec is way too short.

> >

> > it is 25 seconds.

> >

> > i think the cd is fine, as it only blocks projectiles, so many attacks can hit you from outside the ring.

> >

> > you can gs3 through it and hit the thief for about 7k

> >

> > it does not clear condi, does not break stun.

> >

> > what is SO strong about it that it needs a longer cooldown?

> >

> >

> >

> >


> 20 seconds traited. It blocks projectiles, blinds, and is a long lasting smoke field for stealth stacking. You can cover downs for stomps, eliminate ranged pressure **(not entirely true)**, drop it in a team fight for lots of blinds, stealth team, eliminate most melee pressure. Let me flip the question around, if it’s not that strong then why are people taking it?


no one is traiting for that, they are taking the condi clear on stealth, that is why no sig of agility.


evading attacks are not affected by it, mesmer gs attacks, necro axe and focus attacks, staff attacks (Necro, druid lol), bull charge, gs 3 war, sword 3 rev, rev axe 5, reve mace 2,3, all unblockable attacks, and aoe cast from outside, barrage is not affected (ranger skill).


the blind is on 1 sec pulse so you can still be burnt up by a weaver.


it is strong in some applications, but it also has weaknesses. (also it drops at feet and not ground target)


it does not clear condis, it does not stun break.


it is a combo field but that also requires resource from the thief to utilize (so you have to use resources and be aware of ranger (sic em), cause then it's useless for gaining anything other than projectile hate


why does it have to be a weak or long cooldown when there is plenty of counterplay?


basically it is 12 initiative (7 secs of blind, smoke field) and projectile blocking in a utility skill


**What should the cooldown be?**





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Lmao who didnt see this coming


Thief build viable = nerd oh sry nerf cry's

Really hope anets balance team has noticed this trend of whatever build is predominantly used by thieves = op to the community and the past so many months or so from staff build complaints surfacing from it being known as weak or un viable build at high level to broken, sind finds pw build viable after its seem no huge changes and its OP cuz thief players bandwagon it. Dp been known to be one of thiefs weaker builds up until sind played it and said its strong and now this post and the others that follow will start popping up like the pw build stating it's broken lmao. The community thinks thief players are sheep for following sinds builds yet the community no better and this is one of many posts that will follow proving this.

Any build that is considered strong on thief is OP by default as per the gw2 non thief playerbase. I for one hope this big patch wrecks everyone's carry cheese builds except for thief so the salty tears can flow even more :)

Lol what joke.


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I mean, there's a reason most games consists of double thieves on both sides right. It's a hyper-carry class in ranked and it shines in organized play.

It's one of the only counter to water Weaver too. One of two (three) classes that has enough burst to down it.


Assassin's signet is the main offender, turning all your abilities into must dodge.

Smoke screen could also see an increase in cd, or increase in time between blind pulses to match that of pistol 5.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> I mean, there's a reason most games consists of double thieves on both sides right. It's a hyper-carry class in ranked and it shines in organized play.

> It's one of the only counter to water Weaver too. One of two (three) classes that has enough burst to down it.


> Assassin's signet is the main offender, turning all your abilities into must dodge.

> Smoke screen could also see an increase in cd, or increase in time between blind pulses to match that of pistol 5.


I rarely see double thieves. And when I do they rarely win.


Honestly, I am not getting the point of this thread. D/p is good build, but it had the same strengths and weaknesses as ever. It is not even remotely close to being over performing.

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