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Why ppl say GW2 is dead? :|


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> @"LilSpark.4567" said:

> But I started to think he was dead because I don't meet a lot of players..


in this game there are lots of activities that scatter the players around and only rare occassions put the masses together. cities are a lot less dense than in other games i played, partly because of the map instance limits and partly because they aren'T nearly as important, especially if you have a guild hall that offers you bank access, repair anvil and a basic trader.


if you want to meet a lot of players in core tyria (i guess you are far from max lvl after 10 days, at least if you have fun in looking at all the little lore gems scattered across core tyria) then go to any world boss except triple trouble - that one is empty outside main times because it needs more coordination and players than other world bosses.


you'll see lots of people in the thaumanova reactor each time the fire elemental starts (and when it is up, don't blink or it's already gone) or at the dragon bosses tequatl, the shatterer and claw of jormag. since maps tend to fill completely up during certain bosses (especially tequatl) and additional instances might not succeed (especially tequatl) the players gather pretty early and many there are open for some chatter in their waiting time.

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When people say this I wish I could slap them accross the face IRL with a big salty slimey whole tuna fish that has been left out to rot for 4 months, why?


The game is not dead nor dying, but spouting 'GW2 DEAD LUL' will slowly kill the game, as new audiences will not pick the game up due to them believing it is dead... When in reality it is not.


If you want to do a dungeon and you dont see anyone queuing for them, make your own LFG, go the LA or DR and ask if anyone wants to do them (there will be some vets who'd love to do them again for old times sake.) A game is not dead due to someone's lazyness, although I wish more people would type in /m chat more, I do miss those 2014 days where everyone was using /m chat a lot.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> The game isn't dead, far from it, you only have to play some end game meta events or world bosses to see it.


This. We are out there but we are likely congregating in certain places due to map meta schedules or specific events for collections or rewards. Sometimes I roam for fun and join up with whoever I come accross. I never fail to find other players when doing this. This game is set up well for social interaction when you want it and solo play when you don't. Welcome to the community OP! I am one of the players that's been playing since beta without taking breaks and I love this game. I hope you enjoy it too. Imo it is not dead.

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> @"LilSpark.4567" said:

> Is it true but where else to ask?

Well, ask your friends? Ask them what they mean by "dead", specifically. As you can see from this thread alone, there are a lot of things they could have meant.

So ask them. If they can't give you any useful answer and have no actual points, forget what they said. They maybe just wanted to tease you.

If they do come up with actual points and arguments, listen and then check for yourself if you can agree or disagree based on your experience ingame.


Objectively, though, the game has been declining a bit in income over the years, but it is still quite active and being developed for. Try GW1 in comparison, and even this game is still somewhat alive, as the servers are still up and sometimes updates do happen.

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The game is alive and well, but for various reasons, people tend to say it's dead.


The game isn't actively being marketed, like other MMOs (you never see ads or stuff like that for Guild Wars 2 for example). Also there are a lot of people that have something against the game because it doesn't follow the traditional MMORPG route. This game is not gear and level based like other MMOs (you don't get new gear and new level every new patch for example). People on the forum complain too, but they don't represent the majority, as most people that actually enjoy the game are in-game, playing, instead of being on the forums.


As one of those active players, I still see tons of players every day and I never once thought "pfff I wanna do X or Y content and there aren't any people for it", I always find people to do the things I want and there are lots of people on all maps, especially higher level ones.


Enjoy the game and don't let anyone else ruin your fun, best advice I can give you.

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> @"LilSpark.4567" said:

> > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > Even if the game isn't dead or dying, you will feel like it is. Many systems in place in this game alienate players from each other, and I would say a significant number of players on the PVE forums actually prefer this alienation (Wanting to play a solo-game in an MMORPG)

> >

> > The responses you will hear is that "It's not dead or dying, just go make friends teehee" But you will eventually notice how devoid of life the game has.

> >

> > People say they want more content...Yet we get new maps every 3 months, new expansions every couple years...i think this is the most "content" I've ever seen a game give out for free and people still want more. Thing is that they can never satiate the desire for meaningful experiences with artificial ones. Those meaningful experiences come from other people. So you'll hardly ever find these meaningful experiences.

> >

> > Just giving you my own personal and honest opinion on my outlook on the game. Other's will feel free to disagree.


> Thanks for the reply. A lot of people recommend WoW to me but it's not my kind of game. Guild Wars 2 is different from all the mmorpg I've played. It's the only mmorpg that makes me come back every day and invest a lot of hours. But I started to think he was dead because I don't meet a lot of players..


WoW is more of a dying game than this, ESO, or FFXIV.


WoW is trending down, this and those are trending stable or up.


Every expansion WoW gets a boost of players - who then quickly leave.


In WoW all but the most recent zones are dead. And it's more of a perma-death. Where here if a new Living World chapter hits a lot of people might rush to it, a week or two in and they're all spread across the game again. WoW and FFXIV have 'gear and level' treadmills - so people almost only do the most current content. You only see them in old maps in some holiday event to 'go click on all the NPCs you haven't talked to since 1973, then come back here for a holiday item'...


WoW can seem 'lively' if you happen to be standing at the 'queue spot' of the most recent patch. But go anywhere else and it's dead. FFXIV is not that bad, but it's close.


ESO and GW2 will often seem smaller because you go to some popular spot and it doesn't have as many people as that queue spot in WoW or FFXIV did. BUT then you go anywhere else in ESO and GW2 and... there are people out there with you. Often a lot of them, but usually 'enough of them' to be lively without getting laggy.


And because the pattern is more steady here and in ESO - while we do get bumps in population with expansions and such - neither the rise nor the dip is as sharp as the other games. So yeah - when 3 million people don't join on the launch of a story chapter it might seem dead... but also... 4 million don't leave 3 weeks later...


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The games very much alive with regular content updates and a third big expansion planned for 2021.

When it comes to other game modes like PvP and especially WvW those game modes can sometimes give the impression that they are "dead" content, This falls mostly on the devs paying them very little attention leading to stale gameplay rather than a lack of interest.



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It's old but it's not dead. A new expansion was just announced. There are a lot of long time players, so perhaps some of the zones are less active as everyone has their "thing" they want to do, e.g. Farming end game zones, or fractals, or wvw. I have noticed though that the game definitely does encourage a group up and forget behaviour, where you join some group for an evening to get stuff done, then never see them again. Being able to join more than one guild was also a bad game design decision imo. It encourages allegiance to whatever will get your current objective done.

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> @"LilSpark.4567" said:


> Thanks for the reply. A lot of people recommend WoW to me but it's not my kind of game. Guild Wars 2 is different from all the mmorpg I've played. It's the only mmorpg that makes me come back every day and invest a lot of hours. But I started to think he was dead because I don't meet a lot of players..


It all depends on where you are, what you do, when you do it, and what kind(s) of guild(s) you join.


Doing fairly popular and rewarding content like the latest meta event (like the newest map, Drizzlewood Coast or the still-running Dragonfall meta, or fractals) will put you with a lot of other players. In fact, for the meta event boss fights, you'll see more people than you'll ever want - the visual effect spam is off the charts in this game. Even officially 'dead' and abandoned content like dungeons, I run them several times per day. Almost every time I either make or join a full group of 5 via LFG.


So it's less a matter of "there's nobody in this game", but more a "you have a lot of freedom to choose what you're doing/how you do it". For instance, sometimes I hate having to guide (or just ignore and leave behind) new people in dungeons who don't read chat. I can solo every mechanically soloable dungeon, so sometimes I do just that. A number of fractals can be soloed as well, if you're into that kind of challenge. It just comes down to what kind of content you like, how familiar you are with it, and how good you are at your class.


I'm in a handful of guilds, some are quite quiet and less active. Others have very active chats and discords, with activities all the time. Again, it all depends on who you join and for what reason (raid training, general companionship, etc.).


Personally, I have no problem with group content, but I like having a choice between playing alone and running with a group on any given play session. Thanks to my irl job, even before the pandemic made it okay for work-related calls to come in at all hours of the day, I liked running solo content because I could drop it and walk away any time if I need to without holding anyone else back.



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People say every games dead. It's because eventually they will be right. Just go to any WB throughout the day or AB or TD metas etc or dumb stuff like Rebel's seclusion JP on it's daily day and see 100's pass through. GW2 main issue is so many maps and it fractures the players so when you need a event for an achieve you might have to wait till it's map is on daily rotation but except for rare PoF metas most get done quite often

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > @"LilSpark.4567" said:


> > Thanks for the reply. A lot of people recommend WoW to me but it's not my kind of game. Guild Wars 2 is different from all the mmorpg I've played. It's the only mmorpg that makes me come back every day and invest a lot of hours. But I started to think he was dead because I don't meet a lot of players..


> It all depends on where you are, what you do, when you do it, and what kind(s) of guild(s) you join.


> Doing fairly popular and rewarding content like the latest meta event (like the newest map, Drizzlewood Coast or the still-running Dragonfall meta, or fractals) will put you with a lot of other players. In fact, for the meta event boss fights, you'll see more people than you'll ever want - the visual effect spam is off the charts in this game. Even officially 'dead' and abandoned content like dungeons, I run them several times per day. Almost every time I either make or join a full group of 5 via LFG.


Organised Silverwastes maps can be full, and that content is pre Heart of Thorns - but is an excellent farming map. Plus it gives at least 4 central Tyria mastery points from killing the legendaries. Dry Top, released at the same time as Silverwastes (or about the same time) is still active, with people chasing map currency for their legendaries.


There are new players in the lowbie maps, and mentors are often in there to support the new players. People ask out in map chat for help, also people call out meta events in map chat (e.g. Eye of Zhaitan event).


There are bounty and HP trains in the PoF maps. There are HP trains in the HoT maps. People still do longer and more difficult central Tyria metas such as Triple Trouble (which, again, gives mastery points).


The only map I tend to find can be dead is the latest map - Drizzlewood Coast. But that is because I am on the map out of peak hours. Throwing up a tag and putting up an LFG tends to solve that problem!


All of these factors suggest that the game is not dying. Rather, people are playing how they want to play the game.


Finally, the game is marketed as casual player-friendly, so people playing only for an hour a day is to be expected, and not a marker of a dying game.

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> @"LilSpark.4567" said:

> > @"Tuco.2419" said:

> > Coming from playing Everquest to GW2 and seeing the GW2 community talk about how the game is dying cracks me up.

> >

> > For reference, Everquest has like, 4 or 5 developers working on it and put out a $35 expansion once a year that has about as much new content as a couple episodes in GW2.


> The idea is that I'm new to the game and everyone tells me I'm playing a dead game..


Who the heck is 'everyone'?? Stop playing if 'everyone' is not playing. Maybe you are listening to wrong 'everyone'. Some of the responses seem to confirm you are listening to wrong advice.


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Those who tell you that the game is dead are usually the dissatisfied ones. And negative things leave your mouth faster than positive things :).


Whereby I agree that this question makes no sense in a forum, because in the forum are usually the players who are very invested in the game. Here you will mostly only hear, yeah the game is totally dead, everything is stupid, everything is bad. Or those who praise everything and who talk even anet worst behavior good.

Or just those who are bored x).

Oh and people like above me who make a mountain out of a molehill and tell you to stop playing if something doesn't correspond to his opinion :D.

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It's not dead, and there are no signs that would point to it closing down anytime soon. In fact, in that regard it's doing now better than a year ago, when for a while it looked _really_ bad, with massive layoffs, third expansion apparently cancelled, the highest point of a major reveal event being funko toys, and devs (and major management figures) leaving left and right to greener pastures. Since that time the situation has stabilized somewhat, and the game seems like it is getting back on track again.


That saying, while it's not dead, and not in danger of dying soon, it's also no longer _growing_. And, while nothing points to this situation getting any worse in the future, it doesn't point to it getting any _better_ either.


(Although there _are_ some worrying parts - for example, this game currently doesn't have a game director, and we were not even informed officially that the previous one left - we learned it through other channels. And notice - he left a _full year ago_. And he left shortly after replacing the _previous_ game director, which left the company before. That previous director was also the company boss - and i'm quite sure we don;t really know who replaced him at that position either - although at least him leaving _was_ an official info. Like i said, that was a really bad and worrying season for the game)

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> It's not dead, and there are no signs that would point to it closing down anytime soon. In fact, in that regard it's doing now better than a year ago, when for a while it looked _really_ bad, with massive layoffs, third expansion apparently cancelled, the highest point of a major reveal event being funko toys, and devs (and major management figures) leaving left and right to greener pastures. Since that time the situation has stabilized somewhat, and the game seems like it is getting back on track again.


> That saying, while it's not dead, and not in danger of dying soon, it's also no longer _growing_. And, while nothing points to this situation getting any worse in the future, it doesn't point to it getting any _better_ either.


Isn't a theoretical upcoming a expansion a sign pointing to better?


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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > It's not dead, and there are no signs that would point to it closing down anytime soon. In fact, in that regard it's doing now better than a year ago, when for a while it looked _really_ bad, with massive layoffs, third expansion apparently cancelled, the highest point of a major reveal event being funko toys, and devs (and major management figures) leaving left and right to greener pastures. Since that time the situation has stabilized somewhat, and the game seems like it is getting back on track again.

> >

> > That saying, while it's not dead, and not in danger of dying soon, it's also no longer _growing_. And, while nothing points to this situation getting any worse in the future, it doesn't point to it getting any _better_ either.


> Isn't a theoretical upcoming a expansion a sign pointing to better?

Maybe, although at this point i think that its value lies not in possibly making the game better, but in stopping the slide towards oblivion. So far, no expansion caused the game to increase player count compared to the previous high state - it only temporarily recoups the losses suffered in the time between expacs. To change that, i believe far more changes would be necessary. Or an expansion that would be on a completely new level compared to HoT and PoF. So far i haven't seen any signs pointing out to EoD having even a chance of being such a qualitative game-changer.


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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> U asked if a game is dying in its forum? A game is never dying if u ask in its forum, even if it's only got 25% of its playerbase left those 25% will inform u how much the game isnt dying. Not saying it is or isnt just saying what happens when u ask in a games forum.


This ^

If dying you mean low population, yes the game is definitely dying, not dead yet, but surely dying. Fast. Too many maps and events scattered all over. Every patch is a nerf to gameplay. And still many are calling for more nerfs because of L2P issues. You can tell that the game is dying from the annual festive events. The crowds are getting smaller every year. And what makes it worse are those max level guilds. Many max level guilds have elitists running the show and they will play or communicate only with their kind. They recruited new members only for the sake of filling up the numbers, not to train or play with them. I said many, not all, just too many.


The only game mode that is not dying is fractals. Many guilds do nothing but fractals every day, 24/7. Why? Seems like ANet is focusing on updating and rewarding fractals only. Dungeons, Raids and WvW are abandoned. World bosses not rewarding enough. Raids is also killed by elitists. Even in guilds, those running raids only want the best and meta classes with them. Stike missions are following Raid footsteps. Soon it will be for the elitists only too.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > It's not dead, and there are no signs that would point to it closing down anytime soon. In fact, in that regard it's doing now better than a year ago, when for a while it looked _really_ bad, with massive layoffs, third expansion apparently cancelled, the highest point of a major reveal event being funko toys, and devs (and major management figures) leaving left and right to greener pastures. Since that time the situation has stabilized somewhat, and the game seems like it is getting back on track again.

> > >

> > > That saying, while it's not dead, and not in danger of dying soon, it's also no longer _growing_. And, while nothing points to this situation getting any worse in the future, it doesn't point to it getting any _better_ either.

> >

> > Isn't a theoretical upcoming a expansion a sign pointing to better?

> Maybe, although at this point i think that its value lies not in possibly making the game better, but in stopping the slide towards oblivion. So far, no expansion caused the game to increase player count compared to the previous high state - it only temporarily recoups the losses suffered in the time between expacs. To change that, i believe far more changes would be necessary. Or an expansion that would be on a completely new level compared to HoT and PoF. So far i haven't seen any signs pointing out to EoD having even a chance of being such a qualitative game-changer.



Probably not going to happen unless there is an engine overhaul :/

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Becuause these players are resentful about not having the quantity of content they'd expect to have so they decide to leave the game but not without relieving their sentment by convincing others players that the game is dying.


The game does update really slow with new content, and the people that leave are usually people that plays and "eats" the game, skipping most of the content and rushing towards the endgame, only to get bored and burnt out from it, often ignoring more than half of what this game has to offer.

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the doom and gloom generally comes from the pvp/ wvw people like me. there are many things that are underdeveloped, implemented poorly, or are plain unnecessary and these things can overwhelm a poor doomer from time to time. there are bots in pvp, frequent afks and match manipulation. in wvw lag, lag for days, as well as population imbalance which has been the bane of the mode since time immemorial. one of the most important things for both modes, profession and skill balance, has been horrendous. they wait waaaaaaay too long to fix things, and there are still borken and really weak parts of all classes. its depressing, and while there have been a lot of people that have left both modes, there are new faces as well. thing is tho that all of the bad piles up and no one knows what to do but claim ded. if you enjoy the game, dig in. theres still some life left for sure but keep in mind that its probably not gonna last another 8 years.

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