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Worst Insults You've Gotten in GW2

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I wrote on map chat in Dragon's Stand that the people are noobs, because they don't know the basics how to CC (after 2 years), then somebody wrote PM to me and wrote something like: You are reported, you shouldn't abuse the newbies that don't know how to CC.


Ok I was pissed off, but I didn't shout at him, or anything, I wrote a mail to him and gave me some of my loot I dropped from the meta (some globs, rare item) and apologized for something I didn't have to... xD


I try to keep the positivity in this game, but it's annoying if you do the same meta again, and again, and again, you expect that people will actually know what they do. Also insulting me for that I abused newbies was a bit weird. My message was more directed to the experienced players...


I didn't want to have any argument, so I bought his silence. ;)))

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They weren't particularly good insults, insomuch as they were weird ones. It wasn't in-game, either. It was on the forums. The two insults were "economist" and "sociologist". Let me explain:


For a long period of time, there was a lot of anti-capitalism sentiments on the forum. There probably still is, but they don't speak up anymore. But for awhile, they were active, and they were all abound with conspiracies of insider trading, hidden market manipulation, gem price manipulation, and grand trader mafias keeping the average player down with their oppressive price listings. As expected, when all of the western players would wake up, we come to these threads and explain how all of these ideas are wrong and don't make sense. Every time, the anti-capitalists would retreat, saying "Oh look, the 'economists' are here. There goes all the discussion!". The term was thrown around surprisingly frequently, and even toward me a few times. It is half sarcasm, half implying that I am in on the conspiracy.


The "sociologist" comment came from the dungeons forum. For a time, the entire area was wholly un-moderated, and it was a cesspool. It was the core of toxicity on the forums that would radiate outward toward other areas. It was like dealing with 4chan's anonymous group, in the sense that they had the wit and free time to create arguments just to make other people feel bad. I think most of them are banned now... Anyway, in the forum the word of Robert Hrouda was considered word of god, and there it was twisted and misconstrued to say whatever they wanted to say. When I pointed out that they were twisting his words to shove their own in his mouth, they responded by laughing and calling me a "sociologist". Because ultimately, they didn't actually care what ole' Bobby meant.

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I’ve been insulted by anet, directly.

They taught me, and promoted the use of dodging, then comes SAB where dodging is entire for show. A fun animation.

Assassins hit you, lasers knock you off away from the cage, and the storm wizard wrings his hands evilly when he says you so much as look at your dodge button.

The only thing ive found working is dodging the angry rocks in trib mode

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I personally haven't really gotten any insults because I don't engage in conversation much. However, I come across many people _getting_ insulted and it usually happens in the Arena in Heart of the Mists. Whenever I go there there's a good chance someone is throwing insensitive insults at others.

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Insults are very rare in this game, at least for me. At least ones that I even notice long enough to remember later when a thread like this shows up. The most targeted insults I received were due to some in-guild drama where as an officer I got part of the blame for officer action against a toxic guild member, since the members didn't see all the behind the scenes stuff, and from someone that hated my RP character and decided that I RL sucked as a result. None of that made me -feel- insulted, mind you, just that's where vitriol happened.


From strangers, um ... just two incidents. One where I was RPing with a guildie in the ruins of LA, someone randomly came up and joined the RP, we were all having fun. Then someone else showed up, saw my guild tag, and out of the blue said "JEST? I hate you guys!" and then something about us having done some horrible things. Which was baffling since we were even at our peak a very small guild with strict guidelines about being ethical and nice and as an officer I'd received zero complaints about member behavior. I asked if they were confusing us with some other group using the same tag but they just scampered off and our RP continued.


The other is the only one where I both felt insulted and felt horrible. It was when there were a lot of legendary journey steps that required events that required other events to fail. I hadn't been paying much attention to what those were as I wasn't (yet) working on any legendary. There was a daily Shiverpeaks gather, I headed for the strawberries in Snowden, and on the way saw an event mob walking along. Ok, hey, free xp/karma/etc, I jumped in and beat the mob to death. My chat channel was on my Map tab, which doesn't have /Say showing, so it was only when I was done that I saw the stream of anguished requests for me to stop. I apologized profusely, feeling terrible, actually sick to my stomach with remorse, only to have them call me nasty names, say I was lying and a griefer. (Lying is the biggest sin in my family and in my career, by the way, I have spent my life committed to ethical honesty, hence the feeling insulted part). I took screens in case ANet thought the reports had merit. Which meant I preserved the name of the one player there who gave me the benefit of the doubt, and the next day was able to send her a large pile of mats needed for her legendary by way of apology.


Other than that, can't think of anything in all my years in the game that constitutes an insult worth mentioning. Maybe the one doofus in a DS run where I commanded a lane and my zerg failed to follow directions in the blighting tower so it all fell apart, somehow that was my fault per the guy. Not per anyone else in the squad, though, and I'd already led many smooth lane runs in DS so it didn't really bother me ^_^

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Never had much first hand issue with this here. Mostly just seen people being jerks/awful in map chat, but even then that’s pretty rare.


Maybe some derogatory comments about PvE players, which I can only roll my eyes at. I find it funny how insecure and ego-maniacal players that favor certain modes can be.


Overall though I’ve seen grosser stuff on the forums than in game lol.

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Someone yelled at me for being lazy and expecting me to have everything handed to me because I loaded into Vabbi when it was the daily bounty map, saw 3 commanders and asked if any of the groups was doing a bounty. I think it had something to do with me not being the first to ask on that map, but I don't understand how asking if any of the existing groups is doing the same content is the same as demanding that someone does it all for me.


Someone else (I assume it wasn't the same person) complained that I was using a 'generic lazy youtube meta build' because I killed griffons in Bitterfrost faster than they did. Which I thought was odd because it's the same build I've been using for ages on my ranger and normally people tell me it's terrible.

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