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What's your favourite villain in gw2?


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Really curious about that since now ls4 has ended, we got several new ones since the start of the game and ls1. Can be anybody from a minor character during personal story to a main season threat. You can eventually explain why that choice. Can even make a top 5-10.


Here's my top 5:

1~ Scarlet

I really liked her personality, how she turns her sentences, she made a real rampage and even after her death we faced consequences.


2~ Joko

A very funny character and in same time terrifying. Liked how he twisted the world around him like a warmaster recruiting the ones he would need.


3~ Teyo (asura personal story )

I liked the yoyo competition where both parties are working on the same project forcing each to spy/stole in the other one. Was a very cool story step.


4~ Zhaithan

I loved the build up through Arah, firstly defending camps against its minions, then the giants, the mouth, shooting at small dragons to end up facing Zhaithan.


5~ Havram Girthbinder (norn personal story)

A son of svanir that stole the sanguinary blade, he become crazy at a point of killing its brothers. I liked that step, even some sons of svanir are fleeing asking to stop him.


Could have put Overseer Kuda, it's original to see the daughter of a main antagonist but she doesn't have much story, we don't even know about her mother.


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I feel like we haven't had a proper villain in a while.

Scarlet was a lot more interesting when she was still behind the scenes. Her chaotic evil was more.. chaotic.. than enticing.

I also had much higher hopes for Joko, what with all the build up throughout gw1 and gw2. He even had the plague at some point, and we only barely get to see it in the same episode he dies.

And then there's balthazar. I mean, I get he was weakened, no longer a real god. But come on.. he was the god of WAR! and you can beat him armour-less with auto-attack.

At least caudecaus had some air of dignity until the last chapter he appeared in.


The inquest seem like the only proper course left, and thats only if the staff will ever write them a serious role. So far they've had the tools to become the big bad evil but have only acted out of comedic selfishness

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GW1 Joko was great. GW2 Joko couldn't afford the screentime to show as much nuance, so he was sadly missed.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say Zalambur. There's a lot more that could be written about him, but so far he's operating in quite an interesting space without falling into the tropes that GW2's other dodgy dealers such as Gnashblade did.

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Didn't get to experience Scarlet, and I think it's fair to say she has had the most impact in at least our story line, but my favorite is Joko.


Sure he comes off as a moustache twirling ties-a-woman-to-the-traintracks type of villain, but man is his banter fun to experience. I never really felt a desire to take down Zhaitan, Mordremoth, Balthazar or even Kralk...but Joko, man that final fight was something I was looking forward to!



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Well, Joko obviously, he has resources to back him up with convincing lore and doesn't appear out of nowhere (unlike some walking plant...), he isn't trying too hard to be evil (unlike some dragon plant....), he maybe a bit cliché with his sarcastic remark but some of it made me laugh.

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Probably Kralkatorrik and the Elder Dragons in general.


I like my villains to be on the chaotic evil spectrum and feel like they just want to destroy the world for the fun of it.

I wasn't that impressed with Zhaitana and Mordrmeoth but I feel like Kralkatorrik has done a far better job at playing that giant imposing wave of death that i've wanted from Elder Dragons since the game came out.

Suffice to say i'm looking forward to fighting the other 3

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Joko was comedy, until this whole plague that made him legitimately scary.


> @"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:

> Joko. He's pretty much this series' version of Dr. Nefarious, and seeing as Dr. Nefarious is one of my favorite villains in general I can only see this as a good thing.


> Shame he didn't last a bit longer...


The only thing he missed was the appropriate butler, his very own Lawrence he could scream at at the top of his rotten lungs.

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