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Dead Game? Population decreasing!


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Why are people quitting the game :( , every time i goto WvW /PVP or do a Big World Boss Event it decreases in waves of people and this is not just the week days its the weekends too? what is it that i am not understanding that a lot of people dont play anymore , i cant even do some events because it requires a set amount of people, Heck even the raids it becomes lacking except the organized ones.

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Name a "big world boss" event, cause i take part in a 7 amalgamated stone train daily, waaaay too early in the morning, and we have more than enough people to clear everything, even TD. In wvw, we have more or less the same amount of people after relink, on prime time i daresay theyre more (we were linked with a lower pop server btw).

Edit: specific events are another matter altogether, eg an event for Griffon collection. You wont get a blob for it, but it would be odd if you couldnt get 2-3 peeps after lfging it.

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Back when the game started and then for a long time afterwards, WvW, PvP and World Bosses was pretty much all there was to do once you got to level 80. Then ANet added 2 expansions with their maps plus multiple LS maps, which doubled the size of the game and added a bunch more things to do. That alone is going to thin out the population on any one map as people spread out to do the available content. In addition World Bosses, WvW and PvP are old and stale content leading to a drop in the number of players doing them.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Back when the game started and then for a long time afterwards, WvW, PvP and World Bosses was pretty much all there was to do once you got to level 80. Then ANet added 2 expansions with their maps plus multiple LS maps, which doubled the size of the game and added a bunch more things to do. That alone is going to thin out the population on any one map as people spread out to do the available content. In addition World Bosses, WvW and PvP are old and stale content leading to a drop in the number of players doing them.


Don't forget the natural attrition all games tend to have as they get older.

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Not seeing this problem in EU. Only in Serpents Ire have I struggled to either find or gather a group


I was in Amnoom last night quite late and there were bounty trains, meta groups and all sorts. Same in Riverlands


For the record, for the game to be "dead" It would have to be massively less people than it has. I mean Secret World keeps going and I'm pretty sure we're talking dozens in terms of population over there

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > Name a "big world boss" event, cause i take part in a 7 amalgamated stone train daily, waaaay too early in the morning, and we have more than enough people to clear


> "Offtopic": u had the map list in order?



VB (Matri)

Crystal Oasis pinata

Tangled depths

Auric basin

Domain of Vabbi (forged by fire, aka puppies)

Jahai bluffs (optional, gives no amalgamated, but fills a small time gap) Branded Shatterer

Desolation junundu meta

Elon riverlands doppelganger

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If game doesn't get new content the size of expansion, it fades away over time. GW2 needs new expansion.


Old age: no. WoW is old and still huge. You can't use "age" as an excuse, reason.


Oh, and just new map here and there is not enough. It also needs new race or new class. Or new "origin story". Human noble or commoner or Asura for that school gets boring over time.


Really new stuff. Or it goes in direction of maintanance mode or even shutdown. But if you add new stuff, game can live forever and make good money. Example: WoW

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We have more zones now than we ever had. We're getting stuff to do more often, if you like open world and farming or achievements anyway. So for 3 weeks people were running like mad in the labyrinth and some people are farming Dragonfall now and others are in Grothmar Valley. The more zones there are, the further spread out people are, so how can anyone really know how many people are playing.


It's possible the population is declining. It's also possible it's stable.

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During the weekend I accidently jumped into Dragonstand... With meta under way, 3 commanders and absolutely packed with people. I was only there to buy a collectible, lol. We breezed through it, not one failure on the circle dance.


And yesterday, our community guild ran the largest WvW raid since... well I dont know, probably before summer. Full squad.


Point is, anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.

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World bosses eventually get boring, when you get little reward for it.

The only boss I still jump in occasionally is Claw of Jormag, in hope to get Jormag's breath for my Rev.


Go around other maps, such as season 3 and 4 maps.

Especially when there are chained events.

You'll see plenty of people in them.


Do the same as them and set a goal; like getting a specific weapon or armour, and go for it.


LFG doesn't always work.

I placed an lfg a few times for a specific Legendary achievement, and never got any help.

Only got the achievement by chance... as there was a good player around, who called 2 other players, and just the 4 of us was enough to defeat it.

But the LFG does work as means of finding out what other players are doing and where they are.

If you don't find anybody in your current map, open lfg and see what they're doing.


Oh, and don’t forget that a lot of people just camp around Lion's Arch doing absolutely kitten.


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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > Name a "big world boss" event, cause i take part in a 7 amalgamated stone train daily, waaaay too early in the morning, and we have more than enough people to clear


> "Offtopic": u had the map list in order?


This one is quite old but should be viable still. ( check if start time have changed btw )


Meta run ( 7 gemstone )

Start at 07:25

[&BFMKAAA=] Doppelg

VB ( idk what boss yet )

[&BLsKAAA=] Piniata


[&BN0HAAA=] Tarir

[&BJMLAAA=] Branded Shatterer ( Jahai)

[&BMEKAAA=] Junundu

[&BEoKAAA=] Hounds



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> @"Jackie.3156" said:

> Why are people quitting the game :( , every time i goto WvW /PVP or do a Big World Boss Event it decreases in waves of people and this is not just the week days its the weekends too? what is it that i am not understanding that a lot of people dont play anymore , i cant even do some events because it requires a set amount of people, Heck even the raids it becomes lacking except the organized ones.


It's always the same after Halloween. If you played actively during this period and looked at LFG for 3 weeks, every day there were loads of Squads for Labyrinth Farm: In fact I think its the one time of year that Central Tyria Squads have more groups on LFG than any other time, since Labyrinth is such an easy farm. A vast majority of players including pretty much every "farmer type" player and even many non-farmer players get sucked into it too: Ploughing a significant amount of their game time into Labyrinth farming. Many players tend to "over-play" during Halloween, more than they probably would usually, to get the most benefit of it. Example: I saw quite a few squads at the weekends starting in the early evening and stating: "Lab Farm non-stop until 3AM"


This comes at a consequence though, as many players get burnt-out, exhausted and tend to take a break after, quit for a while for some down-time. During Halloween, I noticed a large spike in active players in my friends list, all my 5 guilds and LFG groups, and conversely afterwards they all significantly dropped, maps became quieter, chat became quieter (Just cause & effect). Remember in Gw2 ( as per many other MMO's ) players always take-breaks / quit for weeks & months at a time in waves, and they return in waves. Whisper in the Dark will bring some people back initially, but then I would guess after the excitement of the first few days (Complete story, do map completion for those that its meaningful to do, do few new achievements): it could well be boring thereafter with no little lure to play like Grothmar Valley, then more than likely those player numbers will drop off again until Winter's Day when they will be back again! Just the regular cycle of players leaving and returning.

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