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The toxicity is crazy


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> @"Junkpile.7439" said:

> Yesterday i did meet toxic player. I was trebbing sm while listening audiobook and this one bearbow ranger tried to shoot barrage whole time. Told him stop that or i pause my book and kill him. He was like i have right to defend sm or some low rank player nosense so i stealthed and one hitted him and he was like "you play useless troll build". I then whispered that i block him because elitespec user, toxic and under 6k rank. Then he did go crazy and started to treb tower from sm. :#


Yeah, this is pretty much the toxicity I´m talking about here. Your reaction, not his.

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For those who think WvW isn't toxic, clearly you have Team chat off...


As far as general play goes, the only thing that gets me are players who clearly lack skill, travel in groups, manage to score the kill via assist, and still stand on you. It's one thing if you take someone out and are somewhat competent, even if you 2v1 them or something. But always the person that is just objectively terrible that's going to be an a-hat.


Also, I loathe duels in WvW--it makes things too confusing. I see players fighting, and jump in--get yelled at that I interrupted a duel. If I see players fighting and ride by--I get yelled at for not helping my server out. The worst is, trying to determine what to do and getting ganked in the process; as it's pretty hard to type 'duel?' and wait for a response while in multi-enemy territory (because everyone duels to the south for some reason).

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> @"Gotejjeken.1267" said:

> For those who think WvW isn't toxic, clearly you have Team chat off...


> As far as general play goes, the only thing that gets me are players who clearly lack skill, travel in groups, manage to score the kill via assist, and still stand on you. It's one thing if you take someone out and are somewhat competent, even if you 2v1 them or something. But always the person that is just objectively terrible that's going to be an a-hat.


> Also, I loathe duels in WvW--it makes things too confusing. I see players fighting, and jump in--get yelled at that I interrupted a duel. If I see players fighting and ride by--I get yelled at for not helping my server out. The worst is, trying to determine what to do and getting ganked in the process; as it's pretty hard to type 'duel?' and wait for a response while in multi-enemy territory (because everyone duels to the south for some reason).


The issue with duelers is that most of the time they are nowhere a structure, let alone a sentry and there is also people standing and watching yet people still jump in.


Dont bother asking, if its range of an objective (event range) then go ahead.

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> @"Gotejjeken.1267" said:

> Also, I loathe duels in WvW--it makes things too confusing. I see players fighting, and jump in--get yelled at that I interrupted a duel. If I see players fighting and ride by--I get yelled at for not helping my server out. The worst is, trying to determine what to do and getting ganked in the process; as it's pretty hard to type 'duel?' and wait for a response while in multi-enemy territory (because everyone duels to the south for some reason).


Yeah, WvW is just like that. There really isn't any set of rules in place, so everybody has their own sense of "morality," and everybody has their own interpretation of others' actions that are easy to personalize and hyperbolize when not in their favor. At the end of the day, that's part of what I like about WvW, you don't really have any obligation to play the content in any sort of way. I have gotten yelled at countless times by teammates for not helping out, but there are plenty of reasons I may intentionally not help out: I am chatting with a friend and am only half-playing the game, I know the enemy and don't want to kill them, it looks like it could be a duel, I want to see how the fight ends out, etc. On the other hand, sometimes I am hyper aggressive and will (attempt to) gank most enemies I come across because I am in the mood to fight, I am trying to hone my skill, or maybe I'm just bored. It is mostly not a personal thing, but when you are the one who isn't benefitting from somebody's action (or lack thereof), it is easy for it to feel that way. Not to say that I am above it by any means--I do like a little BM--but I would say that BM and other forms of "toxicity" almost always feel more toxic than they are actually intended. Sometimes they are though, and it is nice to screenshot those cute whispers of somebody threatening your life IRL as they block you so you can't respond.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> I am trashtalking all day to gankers, griefers, duell spectators deciding to kill me after I passed by to not disturb them and so on.


> The game mode is unbalanced,

> some classes promote toxic playstyles,

> multiplayer video games are generally full of failed real life existences looking for a compensation,

> the average age of the players in GW2 (at least in WvW) is fairly young, because the game is cheap.


> One leads to another. If someone has fun to annoy me, I annoy him too. Everything else is just unhealthy for oneself. After telling an idiot, that he is an idiot I am instantly feeling better.


> Feel free to block or report me. You have every right to do so.


> Side Note: Esp. the server the OP is on is well known for gank squads. That irony...


This guy here(necro)..attacked me(while on ranger) out of the blue and then proceed to insult me by message trashtalking me : how bad I was, mediocre this and that...all the while I didn't even know who this guy even was; after all this he decided to come back with 2 more necros, he managed to catch me by surprise , killed me and then started jumping on me alongside his pals....**all of this because I made a necro nerf thread** and that's where I connected all the dotts.(It was really a try hard attempt from him as I was getting help from another ranger...he had to call 2 more necros plus a condi herald and a glass cannon ranger...to kill me and my friend...LOL)


Nobody attacked him....nobody harassed him...didn't even know who he was but he still comes here claiming that some classes promote toxic plastyles and even more funny : **stating that videogames are generally full of failed real life existences**.....imagine saying something like this while being somebody who write a list of all the people who apparently wronged him on a forum for suggesting to nerf a spec - then go in game and verbally assault those people by message/whisper - not stopping there and proceed to grief/ganking that same individual


But eitherway he's not the first...on average I get harassed by people in game when I make nerf threads about their professions, **ofc at first I don't even know who they are...because I never cared to remember anybody name in a videogame ..except some guild member and friends**......let alone making a list of account names on the forum like ...lol...sad


I learnt to cope and do well against such behaviour , I actually learnt how to have fun at the expenses of such individuals and I can give few tips for people wishing to defend themselves against online griefing :


1)When roaming, always use the most tanky spec possible...but still capable of mobility/disengage and dmg, depending on the class/spec used you can measure how far from your bases you can move away. This is not WvW 2013.....it's now an extremely toxic environment , players here have no honor...no respect for you or for themselves, many are ready to use hacks (just yesterday I had a holo from [RAT] Underworld using a teleport hack to get away from my zerg....and he was trying to spawn camp my server along side other ....."nice people" from [sA], [idol]...all of them on UW). You would be foolish to run any high risk build in this environment.......'cause everybody else runs high reward builds with close to zero risk


2)Always announce in teamchat where gankers are and call for specific professions to come help:

-against thieves..call for dragonhunters trappers, DE thieves, necros....then proceed to act as an "unaware" decoy and lure them in..where they'll get slaughtered by your teammates...have the last laugh lol ; my favourite strategy is to have several dragonhunters place their traps in a single spot...you sit on them appearing afk...wait for the thief gankers to jump on you....**killed several SA/HUNT thieves in such a way**


3)If you can't get a kill on the griefers....start using the most "cheese" build tanky/healer spec you profession can run.....then you start laughing in the face of the wannabe gankers as they try non stop to kill you, most of them will send extremely hateful whispers/message.......**that's your victory**, you can imagine them foaming at the corners of their mouth


When everything truly fails(unlikely) join your zerg...lure them in...and run them over..profit!



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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > I am trashtalking all day to gankers, griefers, duell spectators deciding to kill me after I passed by to not disturb them and so on.

> >

> > The game mode is unbalanced,

> > some classes promote toxic playstyles,

> > multiplayer video games are generally full of failed real life existences looking for a compensation,

> > the average age of the players in GW2 (at least in WvW) is fairly young, because the game is cheap.

> >

> > One leads to another. If someone has fun to annoy me, I annoy him too. Everything else is just unhealthy for oneself. After telling an idiot, that he is an idiot I am instantly feeling better.

> >

> > Feel free to block or report me. You have every right to do so.

> >

> > Side Note: Esp. the server the OP is on is well known for gank squads. That irony...


> This guy here(necro)..attacked me(while on ranger) out of the blue and then proceed to insult me by message trashtalking me : how bad I was, mediocre this and that...all the while I didn't even know who this guy even was; after all this he decided to come back with 2 more necros, he managed to catch me by surprise , killed me and then started jumping on me alongside his pals....**all of this because I made a necro nerf thread** and that's where I connected all the dotts.(It was really a try hard attempt from him as I was getting help from another ranger...he had to call 2 more necros plus a condi herald and a glass cannon ranger...to kill me and my friend...LOL)


> Nobody attacked him....nobody harassed him...didn't even know who he was but he still comes here claiming that some classes promote toxic plastyles and even more funny : **stating that videogames are generally full of failed real life existences**.....imagine saying something like this while being somebody who write a list of all the people who apparently wronged him on a forum for suggesting to nerf a spec - then go in game and verbally assault those people by message/whisper - not stopping there and proceed to grief/ganking that same individual


> But eitherway he's not the first...on average I get harassed by people in game when I make nerf threads about their professions, **ofc at first I don't even know who they are...because I never cared to remember anybody name in a videogame ..except some guild member and friends**......let alone making a list of account names on the forum like ...lol...sad


> I learnt to cope and do well against such behaviour , I actually learnt how to have fun at the expenses of such individuals and I can give few tips for people wishing to defend themselves against online griefing :


> 1)When roaming, always use the most tanky spec possible...but still capable of mobility/disengage and dmg, depending on the class/spec used you can measure how far from your bases you can move away. This is not WvW 2013.....it's now an extremely toxic environment , players here have no honor...no respect for you or for themselves, many are ready to use hacks (just yesterday I had a holo from [RAT] Underworld using a teleport hack to get away from my zerg....and he was trying to spawn camp my server along side other ....."nice people" from [sA], [idol]...all of them on UW). You would be foolish to run any high risk build in this environment.......'cause everybody else runs high reward builds with close to zero risk


> 2)Always announce in teamchat where gankers are and call for specific professions to come help:

> -against thieves..call for dragonhunters trappers, DE thieves, necros....then proceed to act as an "unaware" decoy and lure them in..where they'll get slaughtered by your teammates...have the last laugh lol ; my favourite strategy is to have several dragonhunters place their traps in a single spot...you sit on them appearing afk...wait for the thief gankers to jump on you....**killed several SA/HUNT thieves in such a way**


> 3)If you can't get a kill on the griefers....start using the most "cheese" build tanky/healer spec you profession can run.....then you start laughing in the face of the wannabe gankers as they try non stop to kill you, most of them will send extremely hateful whispers/message.......**that's your victory**, you can imagine them foaming at the corners of their mouth


> When everything truly fails(unlikely) join your zerg...lure them in...and run them over..profit!




Yet here you are making a looong post about being killed and bm'd, maybe the necro you mentioned just used one of the 3 pieces of advice you gave in your examples and now you are the one foaming? Seems very much like it

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > I am trashtalking all day to gankers, griefers, duell spectators deciding to kill me after I passed by to not disturb them and so on.

> > >

> > > The game mode is unbalanced,

> > > some classes promote toxic playstyles,

> > > multiplayer video games are generally full of failed real life existences looking for a compensation,

> > > the average age of the players in GW2 (at least in WvW) is fairly young, because the game is cheap.

> > >

> > > One leads to another. If someone has fun to annoy me, I annoy him too. Everything else is just unhealthy for oneself. After telling an idiot, that he is an idiot I am instantly feeling better.

> > >

> > > Feel free to block or report me. You have every right to do so.

> > >

> > > Side Note: Esp. the server the OP is on is well known for gank squads. That irony...

> >

> > This guy here(necro)..attacked me(while on ranger) out of the blue and then proceed to insult me by message trashtalking me : how bad I was, mediocre this and that...all the while I didn't even know who this guy even was; after all this he decided to come back with 2 more necros, he managed to catch me by surprise , killed me and then started jumping on me alongside his pals....**all of this because I made a necro nerf thread** and that's where I connected all the dotts.(It was really a try hard attempt from him as I was getting help from another ranger...he had to call 2 more necros plus a condi herald and a glass cannon ranger...to kill me and my friend...LOL)

> >

> > Nobody attacked him....nobody harassed him...didn't even know who he was but he still comes here claiming that some classes promote toxic plastyles and even more funny : **stating that videogames are generally full of failed real life existences**.....imagine saying something like this while being somebody who write a list of all the people who apparently wronged him on a forum for suggesting to nerf a spec - then go in game and verbally assault those people by message/whisper - not stopping there and proceed to grief/ganking that same individual

> >

> > But eitherway he's not the first...on average I get harassed by people in game when I make nerf threads about their professions, **ofc at first I don't even know who they are...because I never cared to remember anybody name in a videogame ..except some guild member and friends**......let alone making a list of account names on the forum like ...lol...sad

> >

> > I learnt to cope and do well against such behaviour , I actually learnt how to have fun at the expenses of such individuals and I can give few tips for people wishing to defend themselves against online griefing :

> >

> > 1)When roaming, always use the most tanky spec possible...but still capable of mobility/disengage and dmg, depending on the class/spec used you can measure how far from your bases you can move away. This is not WvW 2013.....it's now an extremely toxic environment , players here have no honor...no respect for you or for themselves, many are ready to use hacks (just yesterday I had a holo from [RAT] Underworld using a teleport hack to get away from my zerg....and he was trying to spawn camp my server along side other ....."nice people" from [sA], [idol]...all of them on UW). You would be foolish to run any high risk build in this environment.......'cause everybody else runs high reward builds with close to zero risk

> >

> > 2)Always announce in teamchat where gankers are and call for specific professions to come help:

> > -against thieves..call for dragonhunters trappers, DE thieves, necros....then proceed to act as an "unaware" decoy and lure them in..where they'll get slaughtered by your teammates...have the last laugh lol ; my favourite strategy is to have several dragonhunters place their traps in a single spot...you sit on them appearing afk...wait for the thief gankers to jump on you....**killed several SA/HUNT thieves in such a way**

> >

> > 3)If you can't get a kill on the griefers....start using the most "cheese" build tanky/healer spec you profession can run.....then you start laughing in the face of the wannabe gankers as they try non stop to kill you, most of them will send extremely hateful whispers/message.......**that's your victory**, you can imagine them foaming at the corners of their mouth

> >

> > When everything truly fails(unlikely) join your zerg...lure them in...and run them over..profit!

> >

> >


> Yet here you are making a looong post about being killed and bm'd, maybe the necro you mentioned just used one of the 3 pieces of advice you gave in your examples and now you are the one foaming? Seems very much like it


No no.. Whenever I BM someone, I do it because I am RIGHT!!!! ??



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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > I am trashtalking all day to gankers, griefers, duell spectators deciding to kill me after I passed by to not disturb them and so on.

> > >

> > > The game mode is unbalanced,

> > > some classes promote toxic playstyles,

> > > multiplayer video games are generally full of failed real life existences looking for a compensation,

> > > the average age of the players in GW2 (at least in WvW) is fairly young, because the game is cheap.

> > >

> > > One leads to another. If someone has fun to annoy me, I annoy him too. Everything else is just unhealthy for oneself. After telling an idiot, that he is an idiot I am instantly feeling better.

> > >

> > > Feel free to block or report me. You have every right to do so.

> > >

> > > Side Note: Esp. the server the OP is on is well known for gank squads. That irony...

> >

> > This guy here(necro)..attacked me(while on ranger) out of the blue and then proceed to insult me by message trashtalking me : how bad I was, mediocre this and that...all the while I didn't even know who this guy even was; after all this he decided to come back with 2 more necros, he managed to catch me by surprise , killed me and then started jumping on me alongside his pals....**all of this because I made a necro nerf thread** and that's where I connected all the dotts.(It was really a try hard attempt from him as I was getting help from another ranger...he had to call 2 more necros plus a condi herald and a glass cannon ranger...to kill me and my friend...LOL)

> >

> > Nobody attacked him....nobody harassed him...didn't even know who he was but he still comes here claiming that some classes promote toxic plastyles and even more funny : **stating that videogames are generally full of failed real life existences**.....imagine saying something like this while being somebody who write a list of all the people who apparently wronged him on a forum for suggesting to nerf a spec - then go in game and verbally assault those people by message/whisper - not stopping there and proceed to grief/ganking that same individual

> >

> > But eitherway he's not the first...on average I get harassed by people in game when I make nerf threads about their professions, **ofc at first I don't even know who they are...because I never cared to remember anybody name in a videogame ..except some guild member and friends**......let alone making a list of account names on the forum like ...lol...sad

> >

> > I learnt to cope and do well against such behaviour , I actually learnt how to have fun at the expenses of such individuals and I can give few tips for people wishing to defend themselves against online griefing :

> >

> > 1)When roaming, always use the most tanky spec possible...but still capable of mobility/disengage and dmg, depending on the class/spec used you can measure how far from your bases you can move away. This is not WvW 2013.....it's now an extremely toxic environment , players here have no honor...no respect for you or for themselves, many are ready to use hacks (just yesterday I had a holo from [RAT] Underworld using a teleport hack to get away from my zerg....and he was trying to spawn camp my server along side other ....."nice people" from [sA], [idol]...all of them on UW). You would be foolish to run any high risk build in this environment.......'cause everybody else runs high reward builds with close to zero risk

> >

> > 2)Always announce in teamchat where gankers are and call for specific professions to come help:

> > -against thieves..call for dragonhunters trappers, DE thieves, necros....then proceed to act as an "unaware" decoy and lure them in..where they'll get slaughtered by your teammates...have the last laugh lol ; my favourite strategy is to have several dragonhunters place their traps in a single spot...you sit on them appearing afk...wait for the thief gankers to jump on you....**killed several SA/HUNT thieves in such a way**

> >

> > 3)If you can't get a kill on the griefers....start using the most "cheese" build tanky/healer spec you profession can run.....then you start laughing in the face of the wannabe gankers as they try non stop to kill you, most of them will send extremely hateful whispers/message.......**that's your victory**, you can imagine them foaming at the corners of their mouth

> >

> > When everything truly fails(unlikely) join your zerg...lure them in...and run them over..profit!

> >

> >


> Yet here you are making a looong post about being killed and bm'd, maybe the necro you mentioned just used one of the 3 pieces of advice you gave in your examples and now you are the one foaming? Seems very much like it


If you would have read my "long" post more attentively you would have realized that..it really doen't matter what others may think of me and I am not the one sending messages/whispers to others, never done so...I just respawn and go again lol but you feel free to believe in what makes you more comfortable as long as you keep coming filled with rage attempting to kill me, it provides an amazing source of enteirtainment for me , my guild and the champs I call as back up.


But if really you need to imagine something ..visualize this : me using a nomad water weaver in the middle of gankers with bloodshot eyes....they chase me everywhere ...even under the range of heroic guards ...XDDDDDD

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> @"Crackers.9628" said:

> I was roaming as thief. Some thief killed me and started jumping and dropped siege on me. Naturally I went back and killed him this time, only for someone on my own server to start trash talking me, calling me kitten, noob, he will transfer to farm me, etc. He has in the same guild as the thief I killed.


> The thief came back, and because my server mate stood on me, the thief could track my stealth and killed me. Then of course more trash talk and dropping siege.


> Of course the toxicity is rampant from other servers, but how are people so awful they literally grief their own teammates? Actively helping enemy server kill your own server.



Come to Ruins of Surmia. We're quite friendly most of the time.

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the cheating is pretty rampant. "commander" and i use the term loosely here, running around saying to "stay on pin" never engaging in a fight for over an hour. you ask why are we just running? am told this guy is an old and known cheater who can see where enemy commanders are so he runs the zerg around until he finds a fight we can win.


even little fights where we outnumbered - no fight keep going. their zerg will catch up. SO???? what kind of pvp do you never fight and never lose?


fight a revenant. they get to 50% health and they get the defiance buff. heal up get them to 50% they pop it again. seriously????


how is this allowed? and how do people not think this isn't going to continue to create a toxic culture where you can't win if you don't cheat?

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Ofcourse wvw roaming is full with toxic thiefs, what do you expect in a gamemode where thiefs are the superior roaming class. There is a reason why thiefs gets toxic since the class is designed to not die and when they die they get salty and make it their mission to "hunt" or "try to hunt ;)" ppl that killed them. You gotta remember that thief players in wvw roaming feel the need to bm when they kill someone because they think their class is garbage, but that's wvw. The only problem here is that the thiefs that were toxic to you make roaming vids even for MRGA so you would think they want to make the wvw (roaming) community better when in reality they are the ones that destroys it for many ppl (not for me).

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> @"appelflap.8310" said:

> Ofcourse wvw roaming is full with toxic thiefs, what do you expect in a gamemode where thiefs are the superior roaming class. There is a reason why thiefs gets toxic since the class is designed to not die and when they die they get salty and make it their mission to "hunt" or "try to hunt ;)" ppl that killed them. You gotta remember that thief players in wvw roaming feel the need to bm when they kill someone because they think their class is garbage, but that's wvw. The only problem here is that the thiefs that were toxic to you make roaming vids even for MRGA so you would think they want to make the wvw (roaming) community better when in reality they are the ones that destroys it for many ppl (not for me).


This isnt about roaming, more to at the dueling spot south alpine.


Anyway, what exactly does theif do in roaming that all other classes dont? Because only a select few thievs can actually fight and win where as 80% will normally die or run away (the later really) every class has at least 1 port skill or a good leap skill(s) and everyone has mount so scouting and map moving about isnt an issue neither, also all other classes domt rely on stealth so trying to defend a camp is always going to be a up hill fight.

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> @"appelflap.8310" said:

> Ofcourse wvw roaming is full with toxic thiefs, what do you expect in a gamemode where thiefs are the superior roaming class. There is a reason why thiefs gets toxic since the class is designed to not die and when they die they get salty and make it their mission to "hunt" or "try to hunt ;)" ppl that killed them. You gotta remember that thief players in wvw roaming feel the need to bm when they kill someone because they think their class is garbage, but that's wvw. The only problem here is that the thiefs that were toxic to you make roaming vids even for MRGA so you would think they want to make the wvw (roaming) community better when in reality they are the ones that destroys it for many ppl (not for me).


Haha wow, a thief definitely had his way with this one....a few times I'd guess :)

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most of these so called roaming builds just sustain themselves by going 97% health to 100% health after hitting them, even using full zerks to 97% health and goes to 100% health again, all the boons popped and seems not to end and food etc.


or a THief that when you bring its health to say 35%, it dodges , makes it health to 80%-90% and go invis.


and you're just using your heal signet ticks.


nice builds guises.


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> @"primatos.5413" said:

> Proper balance - healthy gameplay- more fun for everyone... easy fix. Kkthxbb.


I'd like to know what exactly is the magical set of *balance* changes that solves OP's (and other people in this thread) issue with toxicity. Lets go, show me what you've got :D


The tools to counteract most of them are already in the game.

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> @"GROMIT.7829" said:

> Dealing with a thief.


> Survive opener on Support Firebrand/Warrior.

> Proceed to ignore.

> You have one angry Thief.

> Profit.


> Never EVER give them attention.


Whenever I try to burst someone on my thief and they´re playing a tanky build with 30k hp, I move on. I really don't get angry in the slightest.

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> @"Crackers.9628" said:

> I was roaming as thief. Some thief killed me and started jumping and dropped siege on me. Naturally I went back and killed him this time, only for someone on my own server to start trash talking me, calling me kitten, noob, he will transfer to farm me, etc. He has in the same guild as the thief I killed.


> The thief came back, and because my server mate stood on me, the thief could track my stealth and killed me. Then of course more trash talk and dropping siege.


> Of course the toxicity is rampant from other servers, but how are people so awful they literally grief their own teammates? Actively helping enemy server kill your own server.



Only advice I could say is that the easiest thing to do is ask yourself - what do you gain by engaging with them. I just tend to ignore the pm's (makes some more mad though) as history has shown that, with the exception of 2 people who were remarkably friendly after a few exchanges of words, nothing good comes of it :D Never had anyone going to the lengths you describe though, seems really weird to me - it's a game after all. However, it is funny when you overcome someone and they tell you how awful you are though. I mean, is that supposed to be an insult or upset me? :) Am sure everyone has experience of that though.


Some do seem to treat the game as if it's a life achievement badge. Just rise above it, either don't respond, or only be polite. I would rather move map or exit elsewhere in spawn to avoid them if they're going to harass for weird reasons - life is too short to mess about with them and unless its some proper chat harassment I'd be sceptical anything will come of reporting it anyway; it's ONLY a game.


p.s. if they corpse jump or throw siege - I just find it funny. Not in the "aww they're salty" type of way, I'm not good enough for that response. More in the "hehe" way. Why? Because it really doesn't do anything does it. Some feel it is "so disrespectful" - what is this, the hood?? Who cares.

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> @"Gotejjeken.1267" said:

> For those who think WvW isn't toxic, clearly you have Team chat off...


i actually have team chat off most of the time , but more because it was more useless than anything else ("inc" on team chat?) , except for memes. But I wouldn't consider some bickering and politically incorrect talk to be toxic, or not for long.



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> This guy here(necro)..attacked me(while on ranger) out of the blue and then proceed to insult me by message trashtalking me : how bad I was, mediocre this and that...all the while I didn't even know who this guy even was; after all this he decided to come back with 2 more necros, he managed to catch me by surprise , killed me and then started jumping on me alongside his pals....**all of this because I made a necro nerf thread** and that's where I connected all the dotts.(It was really a try hard attempt from him as I was getting help from another ranger...he had to call 2 more necros plus a condi herald and a glass cannon ranger...to kill me and my friend...LOL)


> Nobody attacked him....nobody harassed him...didn't even know who he was but he still comes here claiming that some classes promote toxic plastyles and even more funny : **stating that videogames are generally full of failed real life existences**.....imagine saying something like this while being somebody who write a list of all the people who apparently wronged him on a forum for suggesting to nerf a spec - then go in game and verbally assault those people by message/whisper - not stopping there and proceed to grief/ganking that same individual


> But eitherway he's not the first...on average I get harassed by people in game when I make nerf threads about their professions, **ofc at first I don't even know who they are...because I never cared to remember anybody name in a videogame ..except some guild member and friends**......let alone making a list of account names on the forum like ...lol...sad


> I learnt to cope and do well against such behaviour , I actually learnt how to have fun at the expenses of such individuals and I can give few tips for people wishing to defend themselves against online griefing :


> 1)When roaming, always use the most tanky spec possible...but still capable of mobility/disengage and dmg, depending on the class/spec used you can measure how far from your bases you can move away. This is not WvW 2013.....it's now an extremely toxic environment , players here have no honor...no respect for you or for themselves, many are ready to use hacks (just yesterday I had a holo from [RAT] Underworld using a teleport hack to get away from my zerg....and he was trying to spawn camp my server along side other ....."nice people" from [sA], [idol]...all of them on UW). You would be foolish to run any high risk build in this environment.......'cause everybody else runs high reward builds with close to zero risk


> 2)Always announce in teamchat where gankers are and call for specific professions to come help:

> -against thieves..call for dragonhunters trappers, DE thieves, necros....then proceed to act as an "unaware" decoy and lure them in..where they'll get slaughtered by your teammates...have the last laugh lol ; my favourite strategy is to have several dragonhunters place their traps in a single spot...you sit on them appearing afk...wait for the thief gankers to jump on you....**killed several SA/HUNT thieves in such a way**


> 3)If you can't get a kill on the griefers....start using the most "cheese" build tanky/healer spec you profession can run.....then you start laughing in the face of the wannabe gankers as they try non stop to kill you, most of them will send extremely hateful whispers/message.......**that's your victory**, you can imagine them foaming at the corners of their mouth


> When everything truly fails(unlikely) join your zerg...lure them in...and run them over..profit!



wow, if this is true that's just sad. it's always weird to me when a person is so upset with their own life that they feel the need to take it out on others. waste of life if you ask me. coming back after 5~ years, the toxicity seems to have really gotten out of control. i got on wvw yesterday just to see what it's like now and within 15 minutes I'm getting "trolled" by some salty turbo turkies because I quite obviously and admittedly don't know what I'm doing. what's weird is that they're able to live in some fantasy world where they were never beginners and anyone they perceive as worse at the game is less than them. it never bothers me personally it's just weird that wvw and even pvp at times, seems to be run by ultra nurds that have no respect online and egos large as planets


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> @"Crackers.9628" said:

> I was roaming as thief. Some thief killed me and started jumping and dropped siege on me. Naturally I went back and killed him this time, only for someone on my own server to start trash talking me, calling me kitten, noob, he will transfer to farm me, etc. He has in the same guild as the thief I killed.


> The thief came back, and because my server mate stood on me, the thief could track my stealth and killed me. Then of course more trash talk and dropping siege.


> Of course the toxicity is rampant from other servers, but how are people so awful they literally grief their own teammates? Actively helping enemy server kill your own server.



Funny story. One thing I like on playing multi-user games is observing and laughing about such social-disfunctions ;)

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Eh. Tbh if someone decides to BM me, that usually means one of two things;


1) One of us died, and they're a poor loser/winner. When I go down I tend to alt tab and read forums until I can respawn, so BM as much as you like, I'm not even watching.

2) I was trolling you on my minstrel DE build by hiding in a keep, or popping out of stealth next to you and /laughing as you dodge randomly, or pretending to be a tree in different spots and seeing how long it takes you to notice me. If I was doing any of these things, I don't mind the BM as I 100% deserve it by the time you finally catch me lol.


I never whisper other players after I kill them or they kill me, it's a waste of energy. Frankly, I didn't know how to until after I played the game for a few years already. I will happily help anyone who whispers me and asks what I did, what build I have, or what they could have done to avoid it, because I respect people that try to better themselves and their play. I will also happily troll anyone who sends me salty whispers trying to insult me for existing, you are literally asking for me to mess with you at that point and you should know that if you do this I will 100% be laughing my ass off at you for being such a tool.

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