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Please do not give Braham the "I WIN" button!


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Have HoT predominantly about Sylvari and PoF predominantly about Humans. Ask for story where it doesn't heavily involve both or where the Asura instantly solve everything with the power of science. Get story about Char and Norn with one of the major antagonists being centred around the Norn and very involved with their lore, dare I say things are predominantly Norn centric currently. Certain people: "WhY iS BraHam So ImPoRtAnT AnD PrEdOmInAnT iN tHe StOrY?!?!?"


> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> Nothing wrong with Braham in my opinion. I don't understand why people get so whiny and angsty about Braham. :p

Same here to be honest, same here.



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1: not everyone likes the same characters. Some prefer Gandalf, others Aragon. It is what makes us different. I would welcome such diversity where a character I like less is given attention in the story as I know it makes the story more divers and therefor interesting.

2: These posts happen all the time. Scarlet was bad written, Trahearne was a kitten (actually, he was!), Taime, Braham, Aurene, They all had bad critiques. However, it all turned out well.

3: Be open minded. I know a person (on youtube) who disliked Taime a lot. He understood why she was popular and why she was in the story, but couldn't help it. By the time of Daybreak/a bug in the system, she developed and turned much more favourable to him. It still wasn't his favourite, but he enjoyed it.


In short, do not judge a book by it's cover.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Yeah, it used to be Scarlet. And now, many fond memories. Funny how that happens.


Well, from the beginning/personal Story, the most hated character was Trahearne, until we could find a good use for Caladbolg. B)


Scarlet, and for some players also Taimi (Scarlet 2.0), where the most annoying characters. Scarlet is gone and Taimi is a little bit toned down now.


And there was some annoying teen-drama interlude ("I love you", "But I love you more", "No, I love you more",...) with Kasmeer and Marjory until they grow up a little.


Braham, I think, is now not the most hated character, but the most useless one that gets "major screen time". And probably he took the 1.st place for "most annoying character" from Taimi. But it is not his fault, because the story-writers made him this way the last couple episodes.


So, I do not hate Braham, but I do not look forward to a potential Braham-centric episode. In the past he was written badly (with this I mean, not the character, but the writing itself), so why would the writing quality change suddenly to the better in the next episode?






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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> This new video has me so flustered. This guy is useless. He's like the abusive drunk we keep around....but don't know why.


> Nothing can redeem him. Please do not give him an "I Win" power/ability. If his ability makes me feel useless, or if I am dependent on him... I'm out.


It is unavoidable. Because Braham is special. He is the only Norn able to use that bow. And the only Norn able to break the Tooth of Jormag. He **is** indeed the Norn from the prophecies.


The way he acted during the story? Hm! Questionable, indeed. But he was on our side, in the last battle every time we killed a dragon: Mordremoth / Kralkatorrik. He was with us when we needed.


So, despite his ... mistakes, he is The One norn designed to destroy Jormag. He cannot avoid his destiny.


=) Think about the Norn prophecy regarding a Hero who will kill Jormag and will help the Norn to regain their lands. If not Braham but the Commander, then the prophecy can be fulfilled by a Charr. Or Asura. LOL!

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> I’ve seen complaints on the forums about our character being The Commander Who Can Overcome Every Challenge And Slay Dragons and Gods (or sentiments to that effect). Maybe ANet has taken this to heart and Braham is going to become the Commander in our stead and our character will be second in command, or third after Taimi, and will follow him around and take his orders.


Braham can be The Commander in my stead if he can kill me and take the role from my cold dead hands. Seeing as how the whole 'dyimg' thing didn't sticknin PoF, his chances aren't looking too hot right now.


Plus I'm kinda best friends with an Elder Dragon, so that's just going to make things that much harder for Braham.

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Personally im glad to see one of our allies getting more of a spotlight role for a change.

Rytlock had a lot of relevance with Kralk and Balthazar but ultimately didn't even get to be in the final fight with them.


Braham should be heavily involved with taking on/down Jormag, more so than the Commander imo.. it's been a long time goal of his whole race to defeat this Dragon.

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Braham is one of the only characters to actually receive ANY type of character development. It baffles me that people still see him as the annoying angsty brat he was during HoT and S3, because he has long since moved away from that big time.


He IS the guy that damaged Jormag's Tooth, which is a really big deal. It wasn't played up as much before, honestly, but it's pretty important. This is his fight, he is the stand in for his entire race in the story.

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My only question is if we can, or cannot, call out the Wolf Spirits bullshit if we've read 'The Burden' by this point. The fact that Braham is a Norn of prophecy is secondary to the fact the Wild Spirits prophecy is a load of nonsense to begin with.


Asgeir fabricated the whole thing to keep the youth of Hoelbrak from running up into the icy mountains and dying, I was likewise somewhat annoyed that I could not pick up the book as it sat *right next to Jhavi* and show her why calling Braham Vowbreaker was nonsense, not for any defense of the him but rather for the simple fact the Burdens mere existence reframes the entirety of Norn society.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Braham is one of the only characters to actually receive ANY type of character development. It baffles me that people still see him as the annoying angsty brat he was during HoT and S3, because he has long since moved away from that big time.



That's because he's pulling his same emo shtick again, and people don't like this sort of character regression.


He had genuine fun with Rythlock's son during the opening episode, and got betrayed after.


He should have gotten angry, but what did he end up doing?


Feeling sorry for himself and whining about his bow.


If he was angry, he would also butt heads more with Rythlock/Crecia and cause internal conflict, which Jormag could use to further his/her plans.


But wtf did we get?


Sadboi Norn blaming himself for everything, 2 Charr who needs to bang or fight, Commander being all "this is fine" and sudden Rian Johnson style plot twist near the end of the latest episode.





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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> This new video has me so flustered. This guy is useless. He's like the abusive drunk we keep around....but don't know why.


> Nothing can redeem him. Please do not give him an "I Win" power/ability. If his ability makes me feel useless, or if I am dependent on him... I'm out.


look at good-side: this can be like a farewell to him soon!


if he become a "hero" or whatsover permanentely busy at Hoelbrak, and finally leave us alone, i will be very happy.


pls writers make Braham leave, and bring Jhavi Joradosthir in to our team. she's perfect.

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@"ugrakarma.9416" Jhavi hasn't even done anything yet, how do you come to that conclusion? Or is she perfect, because she doesn't do anything important and has not had much to say yet?


I do like Braham, though. I still hope he won't get a deus ex machina plot device and honestly, I am so tired of prophecies.

I really hope this episode will be much better than the last one.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > This new video has me so flustered. This guy is useless. He's like the abusive drunk we keep around....but don't know why.

> > Nothing can redeem him. Please do not give him an "I Win" power/ability. If his ability makes me feel useless, or if I am dependent on him... I'm out.

> look at good-side: this can be like a farewell to him soon!


You mean, he will save the day like Trahearne? ;)


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And again the me myself and i show. Always something to complain. We already had more then enough sylvary, asura, human story. Guess what, its time for Norn stories (and Charr). Not everything evolves around the the vocal minority on the forum. There are many other people who like The Norn and the Charr and are happy they finally have some story. This same thing happened with Trahearne in the past. A vocal minority claiming that nobody liked Trahearne (and the sylvary). After he was dead, it happened many people did like him. And its not that all the other content has gone away.

Other thing, for myself i am tired with stories where everything always evolves around us as the commander. I prefer to be part of the story but not centre of it all the time. Its not a singleplayer game after all. This is what i prefered in the gw1 story campaigns.

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Did everyone defending Braham, saying he has changed, somehow miss the prolog and the current episode?


We spent our story on Barham's mishaps.

In episode 1... He goes from being a Norm, to norms need to do things on their own. To asking us to open the way using the Raven mastery, that he the norm profecy should have been able to do.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> People were crying over Season5 starting Charr-centric instead of Norn-centric.

> Now people cry that the story gets Norn-centric.


> That's just weird.


Its almost as if that was 2 different groups of people. But that can't be, everyone knows opinion on internet is always completly uniform, monolithic even.

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This is going to be yet another season of people not following the writing and understanding what is going on, assuming that it is another unearned series of events. I expect that sort of thing from GW players now.


The thing about prophesy is that anyone could have been the chosen one making it right place at the right time scenario. With how active and involved the characters around us are in world changing events, being the only Norn around he was going to be the chosen one.

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> @"Fenella.2634" said:

> @"ugrakarma.9416" Jhavi hasn't even done anything yet, how do you come to that conclusion? Or is she perfect, because she doesn't do anything important and has not had much to say yet?


She's a necromancer, she's a raven adept, she's spiritualized(_check Vigil Keep dialogue_), shes one of a Vigil high command, well shes like a dream come true. I wish a Norm commander had a option to marry her.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> You don't seem to understand the character very well, or the effects on someone who has lost their biological parents (especially with a complex family history). And generalizing how Norn are supposed to be and react is another problem you have. Do you also generalize about X race or culture in RL? Do you not see people as individuals, or do you assume that every member of X race or culture is supposed to be and think the exact same?


Actually, i have lost alot of loved ones, so im very familiar with the concept of death and everyone acting differently, im glad you can generalize to, it shows that you arent perfect and neither am i. Do i generalize IRL? yes, i do. Stereotypes exist for a reason and in my travels around the world as part of my job i have found quiet a few of those to be true. Some arent, its not a bad thing, it simply is. Are people still individuals? Sure but some things dont really change.


Heres the thing though: Through all of HOT he didnt act at all like he did in LS3 or after, and thats the problem. Had he acted that way in HOT(or even in LS1) it would have made sense, that would have been his character, but it wasnt. He was -angry- in HOT, it was awesome. . Every. Single. Time. After that, every time something bad happened he would whine about it.


Hes a video game character, hes supposed to be able to be identifiable with, you know what hes not? Identifiable with. for me at least due the poor writing he was given post HOT. I -hate- Caithe too but i can identify with her, i hate Tammi but i can identify with her. I cant do that with Braham, the constant character(being a norn, to being a whinny human teenager) alone make it hard.


His character hasnt developed, its regressed and that makes me sad, Him and Rox started out as my favorite characters. Rox went on to stay that way despite her lack of involvement(maybe thats why, she wasnt given enough writing or development to be ruined). Braham due to the writing he was given did the exact opposite, alot of bad writing decisions changed my mind on him.


Ive said my piece on the matter, theres not really any reason to argue further either, my mind isnt going to be changed, and yours isnt either.

Good luck~

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